Hello, I would appreciate some help with the results I’ve had back. My mum has hashimoto’s and understand it’s hereditary whilst also experiencing symptoms anyway eg no motivation, fatigue, weight gain. I have received the following:
Iron 96 ref 49-151
Ferritin 29.22 ref 13-150
Folic Acid 2.3 ref 4.6-18.7
Vit D 24.45 ref 21-29
TSH 3.46 ref 0.27-4.2
Free T3 4.53 ref 3.95-6.80
Free T4 14.7 ref 12.0-22.0
B12 274.7 ref 191-663
Anti Tg ab 512 positive ref <115
Anti Tpo ab 279.5 positive ref <34
I would appreciate any help/guidance on interpreting these from someone who is experienced as From what I’ve read GP is going to be of no help?
Thank you in advance