I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism nearly a year ago, and am gradually seeing improvements in my symptoms. The GP has recently been persuaded to increase my dose to 100mcg of levo so I'll have my next blood tests at end Sept. Mostly I have of course been delighted at the changes in how I feel - carpal tunnel symptoms have disappeared, hair loss is less, physical energy increasing and brain fog decreasing. Even the joint aches are starting to ease off. But rather less welcome has been recent more severe period pain.
The background is that I also have PCOS (I know that is also linked to Hashi's, which I have) and the PCOS symptoms including heavy painful periods were controlled for several years by the pill. Gradually that was less effective as I started getting breakthrough bleeding, and I was taken off the pill and had the mirena coil fitted. That was a few months before my hypo diagnosis, and once diagnosed I wondered if the bleeding was actually another hypo symptom. But the coil worked well for me - from the start, just about no bleeding ever - wonderful! Since being on levo I've had occasional v v light bleeds, the tiniest spotting really. But this last week I have had a definite tho light period, and horrible period pain - the first time I've had that pain since having the mirena. While I'm delighted that levo is helping my body get back into gear, it's a bit depressing if it's also going to wind up my reproductive system in this way! That I could do without.
Has anyone else experienced this, ie periods getting heavier/more painful as their overall health improves?
I've lived with painful periods since my teens and of course if that's the price of getting my health back more generally, it's worth paying. But also frustrating that the painkiller that works for my period pain is ibuprofen, and I'm trying not to use that now as I know it's not good for my gut. A vicious circle!
Anyway, enough rambling. Would be interested to know if others have experienced this too. Thanks.