Hyperthroidism Symptoms and how long does it ta... - Thyroid UK

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Hyperthroidism Symptoms and how long does it take to go away?

Jiss profile image
14 Replies

I am 25 years. It has been 6 weeks, (June 21st 2018) on a Thursday night, I was laying in bed and I suddenly got up with a terrible panic attack due to feeling of suffocation. It took me a few days, thinking and hoping I would feel better. But I never did feel better, so I went to a GP. He told me it must be acid reflux causing me to feel that way, and even did H.pylori test and urine test. Everything came back normal. I wasn't getting better even with the omeprazole. Another doctor told me that I must just have anxiety disorder. But a friend of mine convinced me to go see another doctor, sadly in my country we don't have any endocrinologist, therefore I went to an internist, intensive care doctor that was highly recommended. I explained my symptoms to him (2weeks after the first time attack), symptoms are: heart palpitations, extreme nervousness, and dyspnea ( feeling like I can't take deep breaths, causing me to feel like I am suffocating- even when I eat therefore I lost so much weight because if I ate 1 time a day was a lot. I went down to 80lbs), I feel nauseous when I do eat, and burp a lot. Due to the anxiety, I hardly sleep. Take long to fall asleep with heart palpitation, and get up 4 every morning because nervousness wakes me. :(

He made me do an ultrasound of the thyroid and a chest xray how I was complaining about the breathing. The chest xray came out normal. The thyroid showed 2 nodules slightly inflammated. So he ordered for me to do a blood test and there it was, my t3 was 54 ans the others were also off the range. So he placed me on Tapazole 5mg 1 time daily and 1/2 a propanolol 40 mg every 12 hours. So I was on it for 2 weeks, symptoms didn't go away, so I went to see him again, he ordered another blood test, Everything went back,on range except the tsh was going lower. He asked for me to do a spirometry test/bronchodilation test how I kept complaining about my breathing, and it came back normal. So,he increased the dose of the tapazole, from once to 1 every 12 hours. And the symptoms were going away. But it only lasted for a week or almost 2. Then the symptoms returned, not sure of it was because my period came down then. Either way, I decided to go to another internist/intensive care doctor at another private clinic for a second opinion. He asked me to do another blood test and this time it showed everything within range, normal. But the symptoms still there. So he decreased the dose to the original of 1 time a day of tapazole and half a propanolol every 12 hours. The symptoms have improved slightly but I still get every so often severe nervousness or find myself gasping for air and deep breaths. :(

I hope I get better soon! Today is 9th of August 2018.

I hope I get better soon. I just got a new job and can't miss days. I am a teacher.


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Jiss profile image
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14 Replies
Marz profile image

Being anaemic can cause breathlessness - so check Iron - Ferritin - B12 - Folate and VitD. ALL need to be optimal.

Oxygen is transported around the body attached to iron in the red blood cells. When the heart detects lowered oxygen levels it beats faster to pump more blood and therefore increase oxygen !

Do not accept fine or normal - secure copies of your results and post here in a new post.

Hope you soon feel better ...

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toMarz

Thank you. Tomorrow I will post all my results.

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toMarz

By the way, did the blood test a month ago and it was normal. At 12. And since then been drinking vitamins to take it up due to the meds I'm taking. The Dr says I have anxiety. The spirometry test is to test the expansion/ capacity of the kings, and they always test the level of oxygen in my body as well as heart rate and always shows normal.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply toJiss

Which test was 12 & normal ?

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toMarz

My RBC was 12 so I have been taking vitamins. This 3rd time, after taking meds to suppress it, my thyroid t3,t4,tsh, t7 is in range now. If it weren't for the feeling of can't breathe well and nervousness, I would feel normal. I just want it to go away.

Do you know more or less how long the symptoms go away after the thyroid is stabilized?

LoveFrozenGrapes profile image

Went through the same thing sadly anxiety etc. are all effects from a wonky thyroid...know that it is normal to take some time to begin to resolve. Meaning not like other health issues where you might take a pill and feel better normal with in a week or two. Most I know including myself, to get to a more normal state of feeling took weeks even a few months... so your on the path...

Did your Dr. also test you for Graves? (thyroid anti-bodies). Thyroid compounded by Graves can also manifest the anxiety/sleep issues..especially given the stress and worry of getting "diagnosed then getting to the right dosage can be" let alone the experience of way hyper feeling and symptoms..Finding a Dr. you trust.. situational stress and self talk/worry can compound symptoms meaning while your thyroid may be in normal ranges response to stress/worry etc. your body will respond in kind with those symptoms...

Did they test your nodules? either by a biopsy or via uptake test? This can help you knowing and forward going path as well.

What I've been told by endo:

If no graves ( no thyroid anti-bodies) it then could be the nodules causing the hyper symptoms and nodule removal or attempt to shrink them via meds, anti-inflammatory diet could be the answer(again takes time, patience and persistence).

If anti bodies are present and nodule shows not hot and negative, remains stable ongoing meds, lifestyle etc. can be the option... if still struggling after time given then, removal can be considered (this is up to you and your Dr.). Keep in mind that if graves etc. and been on anti-thyroid, RAI should be avoided due to it can cause thyroid eye disease to manifest or get worse.

What helps:

Body: I know probably last thing you think you can do is move. Light exercise even slow walking, restorative slow yoga, pool walking etc. will help you with your glucose levels (which thyroid can effect) decreases cortisol (stress hormones,, remember thyroid controls a lot of your bodies hormone regulation/conversions etc.)

Mind: meditation helps and when those symptoms appear ... or try to rear their head.. take a moment, one of the things that help me is: One hand to chest and one to stomach (to feel breath.. and to help laser in focus on the breath.. breath in through the nose feel your stomach rise then chest in for 5 seconds... hold for two... then release for 5 seconds out the mouth... telling yourself this will pass, Im healing, I can's and will statements etc. ... it takes practice and I know at first seems impossible but it does help.

Also feeling a sense of control in recovering/living with... get a blood pressure cuff and a journal:

Start charting your BP Am/Mid day/Pm then when you have spurts of feeling high bp... at those times chart what your eating, and experiencing at those times... Why, it will help you see patterns, possible triggers for your anxiety or breathless issues. Example feeling anxious and breathless yet bp in normal range then "My heart is fine, Im anxious so slow breath Im ok" Then you can look to see also, I had a great day yesterday what did I do, eat etc. and repeat those.. In kind what did I eat, did I experience a stress situation that elevated my symptoms? Then you can avoid or resolve or work on what your self talking to yourself ( you know getting anxious at going to Dr. grocery etc.)

Other things to be aware of is the anti-thyroid meds can cause Low potassium levels , low D and B-12 make sure to have those tested to see where your at these off levels can have an effect as well.

Watch your diet: Go gluten and dairy free watch sugar intake as well.... these are known to have inflammatory effects and it has shown to be really beneficial for people with thyroid issues especially those with graves / hashimoto's... Luckily there are a lot of really good options, products, recipes out there to begin eating this way... you might even discover some new yummy foods, I have.

No alcohol (due to med taken) and limit caffeine (stimulants)

Eat regularly a good diet type to follow is "anti inflammatory" or even the diabetic diet, which is a balanced diet that helps control glucose/energy in body.

Hope this helps :)

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toLoveFrozenGrapes

Hi, I wasn't tested for graves. They did do an ultrasound and found 2 nodules slightly inflammated and no signs of malignancy. Then they did the blood test to check my thyroid readings and my t3,t4,tsh, and t7 was out of range.... Everything high and tsh low. I have been on vitamins... "Mega woman" . I don't drink any soda nor coffee nor tea. Strictly water and sometimes natural juices. I do not consume much sugar and cut down on dairy: no milk or eggs. I try to eat as normal as possible. Just that when I eat, I feel bloated and burp a lot. Eat more chicken and potatoes.

LoveFrozenGrapes profile image
LoveFrozenGrapes in reply toJiss

Hi, I would also find out if you do have thyroid anti-bodies or not... it will help you going forward on what treatment path to take as talked about in my comment above.

I hear ya on the bloating feeling its common. I find carbs like bread, processed foods less red meat etc. something fried poof bloat belly that's why the suggestion of journaling what you eat, you may find a solution for you- foods that show less bloating or no burping, , perhaps portion sizes and the need to move to small frequent meals etc. Also note in the beginning stages especially and even during treatment gut biome can be effected aka when hyper more frequent and loose stools... if gut biome is off the way your body processes food can be affected as well (gas and bloat).

I'll copy and paste here a rec. from a med school here won't have the formatting but hope it helps you:

Nutrition and Supplements

Following these nutritional tips may help reduce symptoms:

Eliminate suspected food allergens, such as dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream), wheat (gluten), soy, corn, preservatives, and chemical food additives. Your doctor may want to test you for food allergies.

Eat foods high in B-vitamins and iron, such as whole grains (if no allergy), fresh vegetables, and sea vegetables.

If you take thyroid hormone medications, talk to your doctor before consuming soy products. Some evidence suggests that soy may interfere with absorption of thyroid hormone.

Iron may also interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone medication.

Eat antioxidant-rich foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes) and vegetables (such as squash and bell pepper).

Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.

Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold-water fish, or beans for protein. Limit your intake of processed meats, such as fast foods and lunch meats.

Use healthy cooking oils, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

Reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids, found in commercially-baked goods, such as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Talk to your doctor before using caffeine-containing products, such as tea and soft drinks. Caffeine impacts several conditions and medications.

Exercise, if possible, 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week.

You may address nutritional deficiencies with the following supplements:

A daily multivitamin. Containing the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, the B-complex vitamins, and trace minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and selenium.

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil. To help reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Omega-3 fatty acids can have a blood-thinning effect. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, speak to your doctor before taking Omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin C. Aas an antioxidant and for immune support.

Alpha-lipoic acid. For antioxidant support. Can potentially interfere with certain chemotherapy agents. Alpha-lipoic acid may be dangerous in people with low thiamine levels, a condition commonly seen in alcoholics.

L-carnitine. For decreasing thyroid activity. May have blood-thinning effects and therefore increase anticlotting effects of certain medicines, such as warfarin (Coumadin). L-carnitine may increase the likelihood of seizures in people with a history of seizures.

Probiotic supplement (containing Lactobacillus acidophilus). When needed for maintenance of gastrointestinal and immune health. Some acidophilus products may need refrigeration. Read labels carefully. If you are immune compromised, or if you take immune-suppressive drugs, speak with your physician before taking probiotic supplements.

DO NOT take an iodine supplement unless directed by your doctor. Iodine is only effective in cases of iodine deficiency, which is uncommon in developed countries. Excessive iodine can cause hypothyroidism.


Herbs are a way to strengthen and tone the body's systems. As with any therapy, you should work with your doctor before starting treatment. You may use herbs as dried extracts (capsules, powders, or teas), glycerites (glycerine extracts), or tinctures (alcohol extracts). People with a history of alcoholism should not take tinctures. Unless otherwise indicated, make teas with 1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or flowers, and 10 to 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 to 4 cups per day. You may use tinctures singly or in combination as noted. If you are pregnant or nursing, speak to your doctor before using any herbal products.

Green tea (Camellia sinensis). Standardized extract, for antioxidant effects. Use caffeine-free products.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). To normalize an overactive thyroid. Steep 2 tbs. lemon balm in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and cool.

Avoid the following herbs:

Bladderwrack ((Fucus vesiculosus)). It may stimulate hyperthyroidism.

Ashwaganda (Withania somminfera). There has been some debate about whether ashwaganda also stimulates hyperthyroidism. Some herbalists may still recommend ashwaganda in hyperthyroid patients. Consult a trained herbal practitioner for advice.

Caffeinated green tea products and Chinese or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). These herbs are too stimulating.

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toLoveFrozenGrapes

Thank you very much for the information. Yes I will start exercising, although I get scared due to the shortness of breath. But I need to get better, got a new job that i will start in 2 weeks and can't afford to feeling bad or missing days. I will do the journaling. I feel worst at night and early morning. Sometimes eating lunch makes me feel suffocated. Over all I always feel a tingly sensation all over my body throughout the day, and then the breathing every so often during the day. It is a very sad situation, feeling discomfort every day, whole day.

LoveFrozenGrapes profile image
LoveFrozenGrapes in reply toJiss

Key is also finding out if you have thyroid anti-bodies too aka Graves/Hashi. Knowing your full health picture will aid you knowing treatment and forward going expectations and how to help you help yourself. No graves/hashi your symptom relief could be as simple as nodule removal and your levels /symptoms could resolve. If you do have graves/or/hashi then piece of mind knowing with understanding diligence in managing symptoms, proactive regular work with your dr. and perhaps teaming with complimentary med. pro's to help to keep levels in check, techniques to help with the other symptoms be it acupuncture, diet, mind/body.

Rapid breath and feeling like BP is elevated, sounds like your levels are still elevated and somewhat hyper this will change when you get into normal range. At the beginning here blood tests typically every 3-5 weeks until in normal range then every 3 months when 2 results stable then every 6 months. These periods allow for adjustment in meds etc. to help get you to a stability dose, to also monitor if you are going into a remission (yes thats possible).

Great to hear that your open to journaling, maybe you can find some common cause/reaction triggers and avoiding those will help you not have those symptoms Getting some exercise. Keep in mind exercise could be as simple as a nice leisurely walk, restorative yoga which is slow pace but also focuses on breath and thought (almost techniques used to calm, slow the busy brain thoughts, worry and replace with positive healing thoughts) meaning find "get moving" activities that you enjoy that are lower on BP raising scale that work for where you are at right now.. when feeling better and more confident you can then add in other activities perhaps light weights, quicker walking, swimming, group exercising like zumba etc. Exercise and movement burns off cortisol (stress hormones) helps with glucose levels etc. so there is some physical/symptom benefits.

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toLoveFrozenGrapes

Great. Yes I will do some walking. For the past 4 days I am feeling much better. So I'm hoping this means road to recovery.

Jiss profile image

Also, Does Thyroid affect or cause Sinus? Anytime I breathe, I hear a whistling sound from my nose.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply toJiss

Many things can cause a sinus issue - gluten - dairy - gut infections and so on ...

Jiss profile image
Jiss in reply toMarz

Ok, thank you.

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