I'm on Carbi with symptoms of hypo since early March - 7 months of treatment at that time.
My endo cut my dose to 2.5mg - 1 tablet every 2 days - at the end of March and my symptoms improved in April. Then, no improvement anymore: fatigue, dry skin and mouth, muscle pain, water retention, weight gain.
So my endo cut again to 1 tablet every 3 days, no improvement at all after 3 weeks of this regime.
I had a blood test done in the evening last Monday which doesn't show I'm in hypo:
TSH: 1.5
T4: 14 (9-19)
Nevertheless, based on my symptoms, he cut to 1 carbi per week last week. Then again, no improvement.
How long does it take to get rid of hypo symptoms with Graves when Carbi is decrease to such a low dose?
Thanks! Take care.