Hello! Would like to share some substantial facts of my hypothyroid condition. Had some mild hypo symptoms since being a child (something like 11-12yo). Was not aware of it, just thought I was really lazy Developed some severe problems just after starting my university years (was falling asleep during the day, gained 15kg – its about 2,5stone – in just 2 to 3 month without any change in my diet&exercise, was feeling depressed all the time, developed fibromyalgia, was feeling cold all the time etc.) Right now I can see that this is the almost “classic list” of hypo symptoms. But I had no idea about it then.
Went through a whole lot of doctors, all I got was “eat less & start running and it will all be ok”. Nobody listened to me, when I was saying that I do eat right and do exercise regularly. Until one doctor (Bless her heart!) gave me a staggering list of blood tests to be done (all kinds of hormones, vits, mins) Among them was the TSH test, which came back slightly elevated (the lab’s referral was up to 4.4, mine was 6.5). So she told me to go see an endo.
He prescribed me an AntiTPO (came back normal) test and then put me on 25mcg Euthyrox (Levo), which did nothing good – my TSH went up by another unit in 4 weeks. He raised the dose to 50mcg – still not feeling good, but the test showed 5.6. So he told me to keep this dose. Went to see another endo – she raised the dose to 75mcg and told me to test FT4, which came back at the lower end of “the normal range”. She told me to stay on 75mcg. But ALL the symptoms still persisted! I felt slightly better at first, but this effect just perished in the next 4 to 5 months. And my endo sees no problem - “the test are fine” - she said.
I began my own research then. Found web-sites, read medicinal books, read patient-written books. Realized that I might be lacking T3, so I decided to test it (FT3) – the result was also at the lower end of the labs referrals. So its lower than it should be, as I understand. Tried to find any T3 or T3+T4 brand, but failed. So I found the OTC brands that I can order online from abroad. It’s on its way right now. I will probably not stop taking Levo straight away, but feel like I should probably decrease the dose a little bit. I’ve not yet found any experience related to how to incorporate it into my treatment, since OTC brands don’t have a specified quantity of T3, T4 etc. I have no idea by how much I should decrease Levo. Has anybody tried it? Please, share with me! The ones that I’m giving a go are Natural Sources, Raw Thyroid and Ultra Glandular Enterprises, Raw Thyroid. I'm planning to try each one separately, but would appreciate some guidance as to how to start taking them.