Hello to everyone that has a thyroid issue, including myself (38 years now). I have been fortunate in finding the website stopthethyroidmadness.com and the book Stop the Thyroid Madness II which was written by a group of like minded doctors that are experts in the field of thyroid diagnosis and treatment with Natural Desiccated Thyroid Glandulars (NDT).
I have been going to an Endo for 25 years and in that time all she ever did was give me a script of synthetic T4, read the blood work, tell me to lose weight and try to put me on statins for high cholersterol. I am one of the many that Levothyroxine/Synthroid does not relieve us of the multitude of symptoms of this condition. My body does not readily convert the synthetic T4 to the useable T3 that our bodies require. I have stopped going to the Endo and went back to my GP, I explained to him what was going on with me (not sleeping and not being able to lose weight no matter what diet I have tried, not even on Keto, amongst many other issues). Thankfully this man is a little more open minded than most, when something is presented to him that works and makes sense he is open to trying it. Lucky for me he has acquired new patients from the USA (I am in Canada) they brought with them a prescription from their US doctor for NDT. He has since tried it with other thyroid diseased patients and has had great results. I will also be going on NDT in a few weeks when I come back from a long trip to the UK for my daughter's wedding. Looking forward to feeling normal again, losing weight and sleeping.
Do yourselves a huge favour and read the book, I found it on Amazon