Hi. Ive been diagnosed with hypothyroidism since February even though I had a TSH of 7.2 last August, but was told this is subclinical(!). I had been having severe pain in my hip since February 2017 and had gone to seek treatment for this. I also had several other symptoms, eg joint pain, hair loss, feeling down etc, which I now recognise as symptoms of hypothyroidism. In February my TSH was 10.5(0.2-4.0) and prescribed 50mcg of Levo, increased to 75mcg after 5 weeks because I had developed terrible muscle weakness in my left arm, including two of the fingers on my left hand and shoulder. This problem is still ongoing, although feels slightly better. My most recent blood tests(results received yesterday) are these-Serum TSH level 0.19miu/L (0.2-4.0)
T4 level 19.1 pmol/L (10.0-20.0)
Vitamin D 119nmol (75.0-250.0)
B12 625ng/L (211.0-911.0)
Ferritin 24ug/L (10.0-322.0)
Folate 19.2 ug/L (5.4-25.0)
It has been recommended that my levothyroxine is reduced but I still have the muscle weakness in my arm/hand/shoulder. My GP hasn’t done this yet because the lab did not test for my antibodies even though she asked them too. I’m having another test to check antibodies next week. They were 1300(<100) in February. Thanks to this forum, I’ve concluded that I have Hashimotos and I’m following a gluten free diet etc. No impact felt yet.
So advice please, am I over medicated with the above results?
Thank you in advance.