Confused about test results, thyroid, b12, iron... - Thyroid UK

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Confused about test results, thyroid, b12, iron and folate

Sare42 profile image
7 Replies

Hi, I have an under active thyroid and have been taking Levo 100mcs for 3 years, feeling awful still, t4 12, tsh 2.7, have been told that this is good by the doctor even though I feel so bad.

Had some more blood tests and got the results today, which I’m told are all satisfactory- iron 19, b12 340 and folate 7.5. Does anyone know if this is right?



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SlowDragon profile image

Can you add the ranges on these results

A TSH above 2 is likely under medicated

FT4 should be near top of range. 14 is likely near bottom of range

Official NHS guidelines saying TSH should be between 0.2 and 2.0 when on Levothyroxine

(Many of us need TSH nearer 0.2 than 2.0 to feel well)

See box

Thyroxine replacement in primary hypothyroidism

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4, TT4, FT3 plus TPO and TG thyroid antibodies. Plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12.

Essential to test thyroid antibodies, FT3 plus vitamins

Yes B12 and folate look on low side can you ranges

Insist on vitamin D tested

Private tests are available. NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies

Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, GP will be unaware)

If antibodies are high this is Hashimoto's, (also known by medics here in UK more commonly as autoimmune thyroid disease).

About 90% of all hypothyroidism in Uk is due to Hashimoto's

Sare42 profile image
Sare42 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you, I will get the print out from the doctors tomorrow and add on here. I am thinking about going private as the ranges are so vast for b12 etc, my antibodies 3 years ago were over 650 but the doctor did not explain what that meant!

Hi Sarah I don't usually respond to blogs but I read them regularly.

Try reading Naturopath - Isabella Wentz site as she has Hashimotoes & seems to manage it very cautiously . I'm 61 & have seemed to get it after a serious bout of Riss River Virus . It's been 28 yrs . I also follow her site .

Also ,

Most Doctors don't know to add Reverse 3 into your blood tests as this shows if your pooling T3 , can make you feel extra unwell & then not converting enough T4 to T3 & actually using the T3 & if not , like me , I asked my doctor to write out a script for compounded T3 . I don't like pig Thyroid as I find it too unpredictable. It may suit some people out there.

However, I do have this script on standby & being more consistent with taking my daily drops of selenium zinc, vitamin D 3 a drop or 2 of iodine as they all assist with t4 to t 3 conversion, taken at the same time on rising every morning , wait 30 mins , to eat breakfast . Gluthionone spray is also great for the gut & being on a good liver herb to assist with breaking down All of the above.

No gluten , are plenty of good substitutes Out there. Also alternate probiotics in a daily routine . It's recommended to be checked for the Plori i bacteria too . That's something that's also associated gut/ with Thyroid conditions., I follow a very strict healthy life style & I had it . I now take a gut formula with mastic gum & other healthy ingredients , Dr. Sandra Cabots oregano oil capsule , plus a swig of organic coconut oil daily as a preventive as I did need to take the round of antibiotics at the time it went through my whole family . Bloating was one of the biggest symptoms , constipation & sometimes runny stools . Enough info. 😳It seems most of us carry the bacteria until it decides to attack.

SOY IS also a big no as most of us are Estrogen Dominant ,which means we store it even through Menopause & Soy promotes estrogen & Soy Interferes with T4 converting to the active T3 hormone BEWARE : There's so many vitamin D formulas with no labelling as to where they source there D from as I've just done research via a couple of companies on that & found they were derived from SOY😔

It makes you wonder how many of us with Thyroid issues & on vitamin D made from SOY?

You can also ask your doctor to test antibodies for Hashimotoes , like me, they go up & down during an attack , I am always in pain no matter how monitored I am . My doctor has a good point in keeping me at 75 mcg synthetic T4 & 2.5 compounded synthetic T3.

Too Higher doses of T4 has been said to decrease bone mass .id stay as low as possible , If your blood tests show reasonable levels & address the points above.

I also use a compounded 10% Mexican wild yam progesterone cream , which at 61 is beneficial for many things & quite safe . Although, I'm due too test everything again in 3 mths time.

I stopped taking. thyroxine with its many binders & just recently changed to compounded T3, which is still 75 mcg & it seems too be giving me my correct levels. I'm 61 & fine a lot of research over the past 28 yrs, hoping that replacement cures or reverseres the diseases but it doesn't stop the antibodies from attacking my body . I do find herbs have slowed them down in the past , so, I see Berris Bergoryne , my Naturopath, here in Brisbane , Australia also has Hashimotoes . She has fllown overseas fir years doing seminars on it.

Anyway, it's not fun dealing with any health issue. I guess hang in there , listen to your own body & get into Google searchs & talk to your doctor as they can guide you along the right path, even if you know more then them. I show my research to my doctor & He's okay to let me give it a go in low doses to start with .

You can also read about Neltrexone on Isabella's site. I've tried it with no good results. I seem to have good results with herbs . They've been very harmless & safe . Blood tests show even Boswellia, Ginseng other herbs taken hours apart from my T4 are fine.

I've just got to be more consistent with it all . It can all get quite expensive .

Naturopaths seem to know a lot more about converting t4 to T3 , diet & exercise . There well worth the money spent .

Good luck

T 🌿🌸🍃

Sorry , I meant to say, blood tests for Reverse T3 & if your pooling it or , if your not converting your T4 to enough T3 . Some doctors don't listen or just don't do the tests in there areas? . I've been seeing mine for 28 yrs & I'm lucky he's open too listening & trailing via blood tests. Everyone is so very different & you won't know until you try any medication or vitamin changes, for at least , a couple of months as hormones take time too balance out. no 2 people are the step at a time & eventually it all settles to an acceptable level.


75 mcg of T4 . sorry 2.5 mcg of compounded T3, if i decide to use it, once i have my blood re- tested in 3 moths & 75 mcg compounded T4 which is straight synthetic T4, made into a white powder, into a gelatine soy, binders as is the case with Levo Synthetic Thyroxine.

My tests show i am absorbing enough T4 & low in T3 , but, i'm converting /pooling Reverse T3. I know i can take extra T3 with my T4, but, i will try the conversion method products a bit longer as i really won't know until I've tried that.

Then i would still take T4 & could go slow & add a bit of my T3 to my afternoon routine, just before, my resistance training sessions. I did this for a couple of weeks, but, decided to put that on hold until i try the above.

yes, you will need a good multi B Complex. Mediherb make a very safe one, on line & TGA tested.

You can also buy Dr. Sandra Cabots products on line. Its all TGA tested too be safe.They have a very reliable postal service. Sandra does long distance consultations over the phone. She's worth the money.

Apart from the other products i mentioned, Quercetain, Tyrosine, grape seed Extract are also a great products, if you can afford them.

I tried low dose Naltrexone & that didn't work for me either.

I also start back on Hemisdesmus & Echinacea as they lowered my antibodies many times before.

1Cazza profile image

B12 of 340 is low, mine was 334 and the NHS said normal, so went to St Thomas, Hospital to Viapath lab and had their B12d test and it came back I was deficient. You can self refer there and you can order what test you want done online, they are brilliant even telephoned my GP who didn't want to believe my result, although he had to as they phoned him and are a hospital lab. google Viapath it cost me around £120 but was worth it. There are also B12d groups that could also help you, one last thing you cannot get a reliable test if you have taken B12 supplements in the four months before the test. The NHS knows full well of this test it it more reliable than the serum one they use, but it cost more so they don't use it.

Your results solely depend on the ranges every lab has a different set of ranges. When you have them post the full results on the site for replies, OK?

Gambit62 profile image

Your B12 may or may not be low - presumably you had the tests done because of symptoms - though difficult to rule out B12 because of the overlap with symptoms of thyroid.

Without ranges difficult to say where you folate is - as there are two ways of measuring and the ranges are very different.

Not so good with iron.

Being hypothyroid does put you at higher risk of developing problems with the absorption of minerals and vitamins.

the PAS forum on health unlocked can help you with B12

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