Hello, I'm new here and I'm trying to read my way through a ton of information to make sense of what's happening to me.
I've been on levothyroxine for a good 10 years now, for Hashimotos.For most of that time 50µg worked well for me, but for a year or so things have been a lot less unstable. First my old GP decided that I needed to up my dosage slightly, so I alternated between 50 and 75µg. That worked out well for a while, then she put me back in 50µg. In september, my test results were fine.
I moved in october and my new GP tested only free T4 and TSH. The results were Serum TSH level 0.01 mu/L [0.27 - 4.2]
and Serum free T4 level 29.4 pmol/L [12.0 - 22.0]. So he halved my dosage. I was already sceptical at this point because I hadn't been feeling great. I had all the symptoms I usually have when I'm hypo. I was exhausted, constantly chilly, put on a little weight, my running performance took a massive hit, low immune system, depression etc. But they didn't want to test for anything else for a few weeks to see if the adjusment helped.
Imagine my surprise when last week's test showed that my TSH is now undetectable (<0.01mu/L) and my free T4 is even higher at 35.2 pmol/L [12.0 - 22.0]. I tried to get them to test for T3 and antibodies but they just keep saying it's unlikely, and if it was a conversion issue the TSH wouldn't be so low. But they also won't give me an alternative explanation.
They also did a full blood count and checked ferritin and glycated haemoglobin, to rule out other causes for my symptoms and everything came back normal, except for the monocyte count - 0.90 10*9/L [0.2 - 0.8]. I asked if there was a connection, but was told it's most likely a fluke.
So, my GPs solution is to not take any levothyroxine at all and wait for the next test in 6 weeks. I'm terrified of how much worse this is going to make all my symptoms. I realise that, without any of the other tests, it's really difficult to tell what's happening. But has anyone else experienced something similar?