How Should I Interpret Today's Results? Can you... - Thyroid UK

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How Should I Interpret Today's Results? Can you help, please?

sy28 profile image
7 Replies

Hello, my GP confirmed the following results today and I'm being referred to Endocrinology Medical Service, following my earlier request.

Testing was at 11.10am following supplement holiday, fasting, 24hr absence of Levo.

TSH 0.04

T4 20

T3 4.3

Vitamin D 42

Vitamin D is now on repeat prescription during winter months, with one month's starting dose at optimum level. I collect first prescription on Friday this week.

Meanwhile, I'll print out the full set of tests for my records, once I'm registered for on-line access at the new medical centre, but was told liver function, kidneys and blood counts were all normal. B12 ok, as is ferratin and folate, though by this time I was being shown the door! .... and these ranges were not confirmed.

I'd be really grateful for thoughts on my TSH, T4, T3 ranges, above - I've compared them to UK normal lab values, but need help in interpreting my results.

Typically, I was having a 'thyroid day' during this morning's appointment, so it was a helpful reference to describing symptoms such as weakness in legs, dizziness, fatigue, foggy brain.

Today's GP over-ruled a colleague's suggestion my prescription for Levothyroxine 125mcgms should be reduced given 0.04 TSH reading.

It's on record I am currently self medicating at 150mcgms and today's GP has prescribed Levothyroxine at that dosage.

I confirmed I suspect I might not be converting T4 to T3 as I am still symptomatic (hair loss, low energy and have good days bad days).

All comments gratefully received. Thank you.

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7 Replies
Clutter profile image


Can you edit your post to include the FT4 and FT3 lab ref ranges?

TSH 0.04 is suppressed and indicates you are adequately dosed on 150mcg. You are converting or FT3 would be much lower than 4.3.

VitD 42 is sub optimal. What is the prescribed VitD dose? There's no such thing as a dose "one month's starting dose at optimum level"?

sy28 profile image
sy28 in reply to Clutter

Hi Clutter, thanks for replying. I don't have FT4 or FT3 lab ref ranges I'm afraid. The GP has prescribed one month's maximum Vitamin D strength, reducing second two prescriptions - sorry, I'll have to look at my records online to confirm Vit D prescriptions - I'm in process of logging on to system as new patient.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to sy28


There is NO maximum Vit D strength.

Perhaps you can update when you get you're online with the lab ref ranges and vitD prescription.

sy28 profile image

thanks reallyfedup123 - unfortunately I haven't seen or read full results, simply told B12, Ferratin, Folate normal before being ushered to the door. So frustrating! I need to get copy of all results asap. Given the info I have, your comment's helpful.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to sy28

Normal is an opinion and not a result 😊😊 Do you have the results now for B12 - Folate - Ferritin ? B12 is good above 500 - Folate and Ferritin best mid-range. How much VitD are you taking ?

sy28 profile image

I'm fast finding that out, but at least my own suspicions seem to be gaining ground and today's GP over-ruled a colleague's suggestion of reducing my current Levo prescription. She could tell my health was undermined today, yet I'm happy otherwise. I'm making appointment with Endo team tomorrow, I think it might be a good idea to have tests privately beforehand, as a comparison. I know there's a mis-fire going on and she recognised I wanted to do more today, yet couldn't. Tomorrow's another day. Thanks for replying, it's a boost to one's instincts, confidence and understanding of Thyroid issues.

sy28 profile image

I've just registered on-line at my new medical centre and have had to request access to test results. Access denied at the moment. I'm returning to surgery tomorrow to fill in form to request access to test results, and collect print offs on this occasion. I did note a sign in the surgery earlier, confirming, from now on, test results wouldn't automatically be given. Receptionist on phone wanted to know who I was 'seeing' - they will only issue results if a patient is being referred. What a battle! I think I'm getting a reputation for asking too many questions - but you have to.

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