Hello it’s me everyone ....I know I have been posting here a lot these couple of days.I have been on Levothyroxine 50mcg for a months now and every day my pain in back gets worse and worse.The pain is located in back starting from my neck and upper back is burning lower back is also in pain I can’t properly bent it’s so painful.It seams that back bone (specially upper part) has some electrical sensation pains which are sharp and I can hear bones are cracking inside once I move left and right .I am so scared ?is this side effect from a Levothyroxine?What is wrong with me ?Should I change medication or is my dose way too much ? also my arms are in pain and upper legs when u press on them .Seams like Levothyroxine is making my life so down and is not helping me my knees started joints to ache too
My last results are :
When I started medication 27.12.17
Tsh 44
T4 7.6
And now on 18th January
Tsh 9.6
T4 12.06
T3 4.3
So using 50mcg in three weeks it has gone so quick is this normal or iam on high dose?Should I decrease?Last time in September I also started on 50mcg and had exactly the same aches and pains also pimples and a hen appeared etc and in 5 weeks I was overdosed so ended up by heart palpitations and my results showed overmedicated.so stopped medication and now gone again on it because went Hypo .
Could please someone advice me what is going on? all my vitamins are on highest ranges ! I have no problem with that.I am seeing endocrinologist private one on Wednesday I hope for some clarity .Could NDT help me or Armour people are talking about? Anyone had similar problems maybe could share ? What should I ask endo ? My final dose is not yet set up yet.