Saw my endo again today, earlier than planned ‘cos I needed a second script for NDT and wanted to check in on the 60mcg of T3 that I’ve continued to take along with the 2grains of NDT, which he started me on 4 weeks ago. I was meant to taper off my 80mcg of straight T3, and just take the 2grains of NDT, but found I began to go backwards on anything less than 60mcg T3. All the talk here is turning me into a radical patient learning to trust my own symptoms! Still, I thought marsaday
would have a fit about the 60mcg T3 ON TOP OF the 20g T3 in the AU compounded NDT... I’d better double-check with my Endo...
MY ENDO IS SUPPORTIVE of my approach because I’m feeling better!! I am so delighted I had the courage to continue with what I FELT was helping, and then to have my Endo agree with and support that approach really adds hope to my beacon of optimism.
I’m a looong way from being symptom-free yet, but AT LAST I feel I might be on the right track to being well.
Progress has been uneven over the last 4 weeks, but once I wrote it all down in preparation for my appointment today, I realised the 10 day dip directly coincided with me reducing from 60 to 40mcg of T3. In desperation I increased it again. Thank heavens!
This post is not to advocate my particular meds regime. We are all so different!! It is to advocate what I’m learning here and what I think is helping me get well:
* reading reading reading all the posts, links, back-stories and articles that jump out at me from this amazing, wise and supportive community.
* taking a lead on my health. THAT has been, and continues to be, a long journey going back a few years. Joining here accelerated my sense of responsibility.
* journalling, from crying in my diary to how lonely and crazy and close to death I felt at times.. to more restrained posts here.
* high fat, low carb, gluten free (I’m Coeliac anyway) alcohol free, SDC homemade yogurt, healthy diet MOST days (definitely NOT on Friday PJs night after a full week’s work!).
* Pain and stress reduction meditations here and there, Headspace and Tara Brach recommended.
* all the good Hashimoto’s vitamins and supplements highlighted here by the Admins and Long-termers.
* At least 8 hours bedrest and sleep every night.
* Slow, at times reSENTful acceptance of the fact that Hashimoto’s is a life-Long condition. Taking total responsibility for my health is daily, forever, until I depart this beautiful globe. Still working on this...
Thank you from my healing heart to all who contribute here especially those who have gotten well and STILL contribute. I could kiss your cotton socks!! Your stories give me hope and some days with this blasted disease hope is just a tiny glimmer in a very dark space about the size of a coffin.
And you administrators, you are just amazing. I read your advice over and over again, in different contexts and that’s how it sinks into my being and eventually turns into action.
Today is a whole good 60% well day and I just want to thank you, you wonderful ones. And also to share some encouragement and hope for those who might be feeling lousy today.
Keep advocating for your own health, You are worth it!!
PS No blood tests this time. January the next lot...
In gratitude, Blue_Bee xxx