My fatigue has got a lot worst over the last 2 months and been getting really bad headaches
Got my eyes checked they fine but optician said your not on iron tablets no more could this be why your tired
I booked in to have my tsh freet3 freet4 and calcium check some had fbc and ferritin checked
My endocrinologist rang and said your ferritin lower than normal your need to start ironbut for me to do that round my meds it’s 5am and midnight
Ferritin 6 (lab ranges 11 - 307)
Haemglobin 131 (121 - 160) he said I’m not anemica as haemglobin normal
Previously my ferritin been on average 13 - 15 but the highest it’s ever been is 29
I have no thyroid and prior to this couple of months still sleeping quite a lot but on thyroxine and t3
My endo phone me late Friday night but was going to write to dept in hospital regarding me having a iron fusion but he did say I might be told no and have to go on iron tablets. Saturday night out of hrs recommend co codamol to help with headaches