Help do these results mean my thyroxine dose is... - Thyroid UK

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Help do these results mean my thyroxine dose is right now?

Chrissie1964 profile image
16 Replies

I had my thyroxine increased 25mg to 75mg in total way back in August. I still feel rotten, no energy pain and tingling in hands and pain in feet,weight gain, tired moody, low and fed up of feeling rough. I had a blood test and have now been told my results are normal. I asked what results were. T4 was 12 and TSH was 1.62 I asked about t3 and I’ve been told they don’t test for that it’s not policy. That’s it they won’t do any more thyroid tests. I have blood sugar test to follow.

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Chrissie1964 profile image
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16 Replies
greygoose profile image

You need the range for that FT4 level. It's meaningless without the range.

If your doctor won't test anything else, could you afford to go private testing? You'll find details here :

Your TSH is a little high for someone on thyroid hormone replacement, it should be one or under. So I'm inclined to say, no, you're not on the right dose. But, how do you feel? It's not just about the numbers. :)

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to greygoose

I spoke to a doctor on the phone today and told her how I feel. I am due to have more tests, blood sugar and I think cholesterol on Thursday and will be able to finally speak face to face to a doctor when these results are ready. I will look into up a private test, depending on cost. Thank you for answering😃

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Chrissie1964

You're welcome. :)

But, be warned. If your cholesterol comes back high, that is a symptom of low T3, it does not mean you need statins!

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to greygoose

Ok will keep that in mind, thank you😃

Jazzw profile image

As greygoose says, this is about how you feel. And as you feel

"rotten, no energy pain and tingling in hands and pain in feet,weight gain, tired moody, low and fed up of feeling rough"

no, you're not on the right dose. Another 25mcg to get your TSH under 1.0 would help and you may need more than that.

But with the symptoms you've described, I'd also be pushing for a test for B12 deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia and Vit D. Very many hypothyroid folk have deficiencies in all of those, which can make you feel worse than the thyroid blood test results might suggest to a doctor who isn't thinking widely enough.

shaws profile image

Blood tests don't tell anyone how the patient 'feels'. As our dose increases and symptoms disappear and we feel much better and eventually well with no symptoms that's the optimum dose.

75mcg is quite a small dose so you need a new blood test. It should be the earliest possible, fasting and allow a gap of 24 hours between your last dose and the test and take afterwards.

If you email and ask for a copy of the Pulse online article by Dr Toft (ex President of the BTA) and highlight the part in Question 6 which states how low our TSH should be and show/give to your GP.

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to shaws

Ok thank you I will. I haven’t actually seen a doctor about my thyroid at all, it’s been telephone consultations and blood tests. I have been told I’m not going to have another thyroid test as I’ve recently had one. I can make an appointment when my well woman blood tests have been done to discuss the results. Blood sugars, liver function and cholesterol I think. I’ll know more when I’ve been.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Chrissie1964

Also get B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate. Always get a print-of your results with the ranges for your own records and you can post if you have a query.

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to shaws

Ok I will ask when I get to see my GP. Thank you for your advice😃

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Chrissie1964

Also ask for a print-out of your previous results with the ranges and post for comments. We are entitled by Law to have a copy.

SlowDragon profile image

Essential to get full results and ranges -

Ask GP to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 too

Post results when you get them

Did you go strictly gluten free

You may be forced to get some tested privately if GP is unhelpful

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks slowDragon, when I am allowed to see a gp I’ll ask for extra tests, but as far as thyroid function tests go I’ve been told that my results are normal and I don’t need any more. I will look into being tested privately if my gp refuses. I do take vit d and b complex daily. I have been wheat free for a couple of years. I do still eat rye so not totally gluten free. I also totally avoid soya.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Chrissie1964

Normal is not a result, always get actual results and ranges every time. They are your results you are entitled to them

If you can't get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP

Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH and most consistent results

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to SlowDragon

I will do in future, I’ve been ok for over 23 years, just on 50mcg. I stared feeling rough earlier in the year, but didn’t show in my blood test until July. Upped my dose to 75mcg and I still don’t feel any benefit.

LAHs profile image

As Greygoose said, your cholesterol could be high due to low T3 and the doc might put you on statins - that is not good! I was told I had bone on bone arthritis but I didn't understand how you could be perfectly fit one day and then have a searing pain due to arthritis the next. The doc couldn't answer that question - so I didn't take the pills he prescribed. It was about that time when I was reading a lot about the subject of hypothyroidism and I read up all of the symptoms you can get if your T3 is too low. I immediately upped my dose of (then) Levo which generated more T3 and away went my "Arthritis". You might find that many of your symptoms disappear if you increase your dose to a point where you are generating more T3. Sadly you will probably have to get private blood tests to begin with but after you get your dose right you will not have to go to that expense. It is worth the bit of extra expenditure in the beginning just to sort everything out and get peace of mind, doctors can keep you ill for months before they (accidentally) give you the blood test results which can tell you what you must do (they will not do it).

Chrissie1964 profile image
Chrissie1964 in reply to LAHs

It seems like they see a result and that’s it if it fits, all is ok, but it’s not. I’ve just had bloods done but they were for liver function renal function, full blood count and blood sugars. I asked to see a doctor because I haven’t yet ,it’s been telephone consultations all the way through. I was told there’s no point until after my blood tests. I phoned up and the appt they have made me for the 24th is with a health care assistant. I was told I don’t need another thyroid test as mine was normal. Think you’re right, I am probably going to have to get the tests done myself.

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