't know if I'm barking up the wrong tree but my GPS have just rung to tell me something not related to this issue. I thought while I was on the phone I would see if the synacthen test results from yesterday had by chance gone to my GP as well as to my rheumatologist who is the one who asked for the test. They looked and said that yes they were normal. I asked could they tell me the figures and was told that the baseline pre-test was 82 the 30-minute was 150 something and the 60 Minute was was 280 or so I can't remember. I said that I was a bit bothered because I didn't think that was in the normal ranges but she said well when they come from the Lab they show up red if they are abnormal. Now this is only coming from the secretary at my GPS but if those figures are what she's telling me surely that's not right ? My rheumatologist as I say was the one who ordered the test but she also had done a random cortisol test back in February which was 46 and she didn't let me know for 3 months. The problem is she is absolutely hopeless and never let me know anything. I'm a little bit concerned but I'm frightened of making a fuss. I know that results vary from lab to lab and I'm a bit it bothered about kicking up a fuss trying to get hold of my rheumatologist. any advice you could give would be really appreciated.
Sst Results right or wrong help: 't know if I'm... - Thyroid UK
Sst Results right or wrong help

My advise would be: don't be afraid of making a fuss. Very often, it's the only way to get anything done. They will ignore you if they can. Don't let them.
Do you think that is right or do you personally not know Levels etc ?
I don't know anything about it. I've only ever had an 8 am serum cortisol test. I just don't like the idea of you being a retiring violet when you need help. The lord helps those that helps themselves, they say. If they don't want people to make a fuss, they should treat them better, shouldn't they. x
Hi Grey Goose. It's not so much that I am retiring violet or I can be at times certainly at the moment as I've just lost my husband a couple of months ago but for the past 12 months in fact for the past few years I have been fighting and fighting and fighting to find out what has been wrong that they're missing. And I think because they've not found it that it's now down to she's a hypochondriac. My rheumatologist is absolutely useless and if I don't chase something up myself then I don't find out out I've just been told this morning by my GP surgery that my rheumatologist has written to them from when I saw her in clinic at the beginning of July to say that im B12 and iron deficient and 2 to give me supplements. That's how long it takes her how to get word back to me or my GP. My original random cortisol test was done in February which was 43 or 46 cat member and she didn't tell me for 3 months it's because I was nursing my husband who has now died and she didn't think I would want to do a test or anything while he was poorly. She obviously does not comprehend and how I feel I would have my right arm cut off to get diagnosed and hopefully start some sort of treatment plan. So now I feel like an idiot , , I have records have gone missing I have been taken into to A&E with my heart which is a different problem I think and things like that even go missing. It is awful. And the way my husband illness was handled by the hospital was horrendous absolutely unbelievable. But I will go into that now. So that's why I don't like ringing up places since speaking to you before I have rang to try and get some info but just keep hitting a brick wall. I really appreciate everybody's is answers and help and and respect that they give to others on this site xxx thank you
I'm so sorry for your loss. That must make everything feel ten times worse. And I do understand. But, you have to think about you, now. Could you not contact the people that did this test, and ask them for the ranges?
The problem with this sort of test is that it's all black or white. It will tell you if you have a problem, it will tell you if there's nothing wrong. It won't tell you anything in between. So, if for example, you have adrenal fatigue, it won't tell you that. And, as doctors don't 'believe' in adrenal fatigue, they're only too happy to accept that everything is just fine.
I would ring the consultants secretary and ask if the results could be sent to you. Do you have a follow up appointment booked? If not also ask the secretary when you should expect a review. The secretary will be used to these sorts of queries.
Was the SST done first thing in the morning? If so then these are not good enough. There should be at least a doubling of the rate between the 30 minute and 60 minute levels and should be over about 420 I believe. “Normal” working adrenals would be producing around 500 at 8-9 am in the morning. The ACTH is important in this instant but the result can often take weeks. You need a referral to an endocrinologist, urgently, especially if you’re having other symptoms.
Hi barrister
Well ive managed to et a message to my rheumatologist to look at the results and let her know im feeling awful. As i have for years but especially the last 12 months. I was going to have to go to hospital if i didn't get sorted. Anyway, top and bottom of it she immediately rang my gp and told them to give me 50mg hydrocortisone daily until i get to see the endocrinologist as an urgent request. Yipeeeee. It has onlt taken me years and everyone medical wise thinking i was making it up. Im sick of having to chase up my own results and treatment etc etc etc. My random cortisol back in February was 46 and i wasnt even informed for 3months. But, im now actually relieved to get this diagnosis. How sad is that xxxxxx
can you not get a print out from the GP, as they have the records there. i know that doesnt help with diagnosis, but at least you'd have hassle free facts.