Hi I have a list of my recent blood test results. Have had lots of symptoms last few years,most of these I still have and I'm also having new ones:
Weight/muscle loss,palpitations,balance issues,pale skin,hard to initiate swallow,bruise easily,sudden nervousness/loss of confidence,pins needle sensations,hair thinning,headaches,muscle aches,fatigue,hot/cold etc..
Here are recent blood results-
Serum tsh level 1.84 ug/l (0.35-5.50)
Free t4 10.1 Pmol/l (7.0-17.0)
B12 385 ng/l (150-900)
Folate 5.3 ug/l >3.0
Ferritin 28 ug/l (15-300)
Although I thought my symptoms pointed more towards overactive thyroid,I'm wondering if it is my b12? Although in range I think it's still on low side?