A former patient of Dr Skinners living in Bristol. I was diagnosed 16 years ago with hypothyroidism. After Dr Skinner sadly passed away I was lucky to find a sympathetic GP who was happy to prescribe my NDT and thyroxine for me on the NHS. Unfortunately he retired in 2015.
Since then I’ve had several disagreements with my new GP who insists I am over medicated because of my suppressed TSH and slightly over range FT3 and FT4. I was last tested for all 3 in December 2016:
TSH < 0.02mU/L (0.27-4.2)
FT3 7.6pmol/L (3.1 – 6.8)
FT4 27.4 (12-22pmol/L)
B12 216 (180-900pg/mL)
I've kept the NDT at 2 grains, but my GP reduced Thyroxine from 100mcg to 75mcg. I don't feel quite as good on this lower dose. I struggle to lose weight, (I've always been overweight), my memory/concentration isn't as good. I was also getting numbness/tingling in my fingers, my B12 was very low 216 (180-900pg/mL)
. My GP said it was irrelevant because it was in range. The numbness has disappeared after using B12 spray.
When I reduce or increase my Thyroxine from 75mcg to 100mcg my T3 levels also go up or down as you’d expect. My body would appear to be converting the T4 to T3, surely it wouldn’t do that if it didn’t need the extra T3?
My GP phoned me in July to tell me that my NDT medication is costing the NHS £150 per month, is on a ‘red’ list and so unfortunately, it can no longer be prescribed on the NHS. He referred me to an NHS endocrinologist who I saw at Southmead hospital on Friday.
The endocrinologist also thinks I am over medicated, yet I have no clinical symptoms at all, never have done. He said I have sub-clinical hyperthyroidism because of the suppressed TSH. Eventually I’ll get atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis (heard this all before many times).
I tried to point out that the blood tests only measure what’s circulating in the blood and not cell/tissue uptake and maybe I need higher T3 levels for it to get into my tissues. I also mentioned reverse T3 could I have too much of that or Thyroid hormone resistance? He brushed over these points and didn’t seem interested in my opinions. He said my TSH would be much higher if I had Thyroid hormone resistance.
He advised that I should reduce my NDT to 1 grain and Thyroxine down to 50mcg so that my TSH goes above 0.1 and my T4 and T3 are within range. Legally he must stick to current guidelines and referred me to the BTA and AACE websites.
He also told me that GPs can no longer prescribe NDT not even on a ‘named patient basis’. They used to be able to prescribe what they like but now the system will flag it up. A few of the patients at Southmead are taking NDT but they buy it themselves. The endocrinology dept are happy to monitor my use of NDT but only if I first reduce my dose and come and see them again in 2/3 months’ time.
I’m not happy about cutting my dose in half. I could become quite ill. Do I really need to prove that I need my medication? He also said that it could take a year for my TSH to go above 0.1.
Has anyone else been told to do this. Do any of you have slightly over the range T3 with no symptoms of hyperthyroidism? Dr Skinner always relied on clinical symptoms rather than looking at blood test results. I don't have to take the endocrinologists advice but I do need to understand the long-term risk of a suppressed TSH so I can workout the best way forward.
Any help or guidance would be really appreciated. If you could also please PM me recommendations of online pharmacies. I need to buy Levothyroxine and NDT (ERFA, Nature Throid). Thanks again