Hi all,
I'm currently taking Levothyroxine after TT in September 2016. I would appreciate advice as I have an appointment with my GP next week. I posted my results previously when taking 200mcg which suggested I was overmedicated. GP dropped my dosage to 175mcg.
Since then my fatigue has increased, still suffering very dry eyes with occasional blurred vision, acid reflux, low mood, steady weight gain, very emotional and irritable and just feel everything takes a huge effort. I also feel weirdly detached like I just don't care and want to push everyone away. I know it's easy to blame everything on thyroid (or lack of in my case) but here are my latest blood results:
Serum Free T4 21 pmol/L (10.0 - 22.0)
Serum TSH 3.7 mu/L (0.3 - 5.5)
Serum Vitamin B12 364ng/L (190.0 - 660.0)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Above range 39 mm (0.0 - 9.0) Above high reference limit
Plasma Glucose level 5.9 mmol/L (4.0 - 7.7)
Serum vitamin D level 120.4 nmol/L (>50.0) < 30 nmol/L deficient 30 - 50 insufficient >50 sufficient
I've been supplementing Vit D (on GPs advice) as was low on last blood test. Suffered lots of bone pain but this has gotten a lot better recently.
Please can you advise what I should do next? I can't ask to up my medication to 200 as that had me overmedicated previously. I note from other posts that some of you alternate your dosage. Would 200 / 175 alternate days be advisable?
Should I stop taking vitamin D now as results are high? I'm not sure what optimum level should be? I also read somewhere else that if you have previously been deficient it is wise to take a maintenance dose?
Inflammation markers have been high on every blood test I've had recently but GP isn't concerned. Should I be?
All of my results have been flagged as 'No further action required'. At the very least I think I need to ask for a change in Levo again. Do you agree?
I would appreciate any advice so that I can discuss it with my GP next week. Many thanks 😊