I am struggling to get my ferritin levels up. I have been taking solgar gentle iron for over a year off and on due to stomach issues. I have finally had to give up on these due some very unpleasant gut issues that I won't go into. I can't stomach the taste of liver - tried that, continue do it even in a very super flavoured chilli!
So my options seem to be ferritin supplements - don't really know anything about these or how they would work - what are they exactly - it says bovine ferritin - so extracted iron stores from a cow? How is this different to any other iron? Is it less likely to cause stomach problems? How much do I need to take of these?
Or dessicated liver supplements - if these, how much do I need to take? I am concerned about overdoing vitamin A and the supplements I have found don't say how much vitamin A is in them.
Many thanks