I just was wondering if anybody with hashimoto experienced problems with blood sugar levels while on levothyroxine and liothyronine?
I'm currently on 100mcg levothyroxine and 25mcg liothyronine. For some time I have noticed fluctuation of my sugar level that is getting worse. I have episodes when my sugar goes down so much that I'm getting headache, shaky, sweating and have to eat something quickly. Other time, I'm getting very sleepy after dinner so suddenly that I fall asleep at the table.
I asked my endo for advice. He recommended HbA1c test but it came back normal (no diabetes). I have noticed in last couple of months that I need to wake up to toilet in the night and never did it before except when I was pregnant. I have also repeated urine track infections and struggling with keeping my weight.
I've just done sugar and insulin levels and these results are below. I will add that I'm 42 year old female.
Fasting glucose 101 mg/dl (70-99)
Glucose after drinking 75g glucose; after 1 hour 136mg/dl; after 2 hours 102mg/dl
Fasting insulin 0.5ulU/ml (2.6-25)
Insulin after drinking 75g glucose; after 1 hour 24.6; after 2 hours 27.6
Can anybody help me to understand these results?