Fluoride is poison : Fluoride Fluoride is a... - Thyroid UK

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Fluoride is poison

33 Replies


Fluoride is a poison and lodges in your fatty tissues, especially the brain tissues and it is difficult to excrete. Fluoride also binds with magnesium irreversibly Approximately 350 function in our bodies require available magnesium (Mg) The binding of fluoride with Mg and therefore the unavailability is one of the main causes of dementia and Alzheimer's. The fluoride in prescription medicines is an overt use by the medical pharmaceutical companies to further the need for their questionable products under the guise of treatment. That is why these companies are getting richer and people are getting sicker.

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33 Replies
Lozzer66 profile image

My boyfriend bought a distiller to distill his tap water ...you should see the disgusting dirty black/brown 'mud' that is left over after the distilling process has taken place ...it smells very chemical...gross!...This is what we are drinking!

Lentil61 profile image
Lentil61 in reply to Lozzer66

You are absolutely right about tap water. We tried a distiller years ago for a while but stopped using it when I discovered that tap water contains some good minerals as well as some bad, inc. fluoride. Sadly the distiller removed them all.

Lozzer66 profile image
Lozzer66 in reply to Lentil61

Yes ..I appreciate what you are saying.. .there was a lot that my boyfriend read up on before making the decision to buy one and he came across this issue but then he read so much about people who have done this for years and it did not effect their minerals at all ..so he made the decision to go ahead ...he feels better for it and gas been doing for 18mth now :)

silverfox7 profile image

I don't touch the stuff now but thank you for posting. I stopped when I found it used to be used to kill an over active thyroid

SlowDragon profile image

Many of us have changed to fluoride free toothpaste.

Justiina profile image

Unfortunately without fluoride some medication wouldn't work at all. Fluoride is necessary to either slow down the absorption (otherwise one would get immediate poisoning symptoms of the medication) or helping the medication to enter the cellular level. On short term this is acceptable as those meds can save one's life but in longterm iy unfortunately is not a good thing.

Until better methods are discovered some meds contain fluoride and all we can do is to avoid other sources of fluoride and make sure we take all necessary vitamins and nutrients to counteract fluoride :(

in reply to Justiina

It is much better to avoid the need for prescription medication. Look after your health by eating beneficial foods, not only that avoid food that can compromise your heath especially sugar and grain in particular wheat products like bread cakes biscuits and more. Wheat flower contains a compound Amylopectin A ( google it).

To your health

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to Justiina

Medicines are not to cure. They are not to heal. They are to mask symptoms that have an actual root cause. Doctors don't care what that cause is-- and their patients remain sick with thirty different medications on their dressers.

We depend on doctors who have no clue as to what ails us. They don't even try.

The bottom line is that the lack of nutrients which allow the body to run smoothly is being ignored.

If we all paid heed to what our body needs and steered clear of unhealthy foods filled with chemicals, preservatives, dyes, and additives... we wouldn't need pharmaceuticals at all.

Sounds incredible, doesn't it?

It's not. It is all true.

I used to not realize it either. Do your research as I have and you'll find out things you never knew and will be healthier for it.


Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to CSmithLadd

There are illnesses that can't be cured or treated without certain medication. Like certain infections that are resistant to other known antibiotics , only fluoroquinolones works. If you have massive system failure then your options are either to die or take the antibiotics.

Can't avoid infections or accidents that can cause you several health issues by eating and living clean. It's just simply impossible.

Like I said in short term it is acceptable to use certain medication but in the long term drugs that contain fluoride will cause harm.

in reply to Justiina


in reply to

Hidden no need for that rudeness.

in reply to

Some times the truth is to be rudely expressed

in reply to

Hidden no it doesn't. A word of advice as you're new to this Forum - we all treat each other with respect and that includes not rubbishing what others have to say. Hope that's clear for you.

in reply to

Fluoride is a debilitating POISON period

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to Justiina

Let me give you an example, please.

I used to get urinary tract infections (UTIs) like they were going out of style Every time the wind blew, I had yet another one that was increasingly resistant to the latest antibiotics prescribed for treatment.

This went on for decades upon decades.

The more fluoroquinolone drugs/antibiotics I took, the sicker I got. And the more "illnesses" were added to my charts.

When I had a UTI in the Bahamas, many years ago, I was given Cipro and Bactrim back-to-back for a total of twenty days because the first ten days of Bactrim did nothing. I was told it was a UTI strain that was especially resistant to antibiotics. After finishing the Cipro, I noticed my Achilles tendons were huge. They had big knots on them. I thought it was from coming up and down the swimladder when on my sailboat for months in the Bahamas.

Come to find out later, I had damn near ruptured both Achilles tendons. It had nothing to do with the swim ladder. At that time, people were ignorant of that possibility when taking fluoroquinolone drugs. At least that side effect of tendon rupture wasn't one of the many others that many died from taking Cipro.


It took a long time to recover from that. And I have many, many stories about my health and its demise due to overuse of antibiotics prescribed for everything under the sun by doctors. Doctors have no regard to the damage those drugs do to the body.

They know nothing about real health remedies. Remedies you pick off a tree or get from a root. Natural remedies that don't kill us or render our bodies half of what they should be. It's like each antibiotic is just another link in the long, long chain of the return trips we'll have to make to the same doctor while expecting a different result.

Doctors can't help us. Not when it comes to every day health and how to not only keep fit and healthy for the rest of your life; but how to regain the health you may have never had or had so long ago you've forgotten!

After learning all I have and doing so much research about health and conventional medical practices with regard to the human body and the quest for good health -- it was easy to see their mistakes.

They let money get in their way.

I then decided to do away with conventional doctors and try natural remedies for all that ails me.

Recently, when another UTI reared its ugly head, I read up on natural remedies. D-Mannose is what I found to be the perfect remedy for a UTI -- whether in progress or just starting. It worked as no medication or antibiotic from any doctor had ever prescribed for me. And it won't rupture your tendons like fluoroquinolones can. So why are they still being prescribed for UTIs when D-Mannose will work just as well, if not better? You can buy it right over the counter at any drug store.


There's no need to run to a doctor when you have a UTI. Get Azo to help you with keeping pain at bay, and start taking the D-Mannose. The combination is unbeatable. After two days, I stopped the Azo and the D-Mannose was all I needed. It was gone before it got dug in. Talk about feeling emancipated! Freedom from the Foolishness that masquerades as The Help.

What I'm saying is that there are natural remedies even for infections. Most of the medicines prescribed are based on natural remedies. They merely are prescribing what a pharmaceutical company has replicated in a synthetic pill form.

If you search for a healthy remedy, you are bound to find one.

Pharmaceuticals are filled with things the body cannot use. This alone causes issues. Make sure to look at what is in a medication before using it, if you must use something that is prescribed. Steer clear of the medications that take you one step forward and two steps backward. Makes no sense at all.

The more you know about how your body works, the more you can assist it to function properly.

The bottom line here, especially with regard to thyroid issues, is that one simple part of the body (yet the regulator of the entire body), when in a dysfunctional state, can cause more than 300 symptoms (many of which are identified as separate "Syndromes" and "Diseases" by conventional medicine). They treat each single symptom of one problem with all kinds of medications that do nothing to help the root cause: the thyroid dysfunction. In fact, most times they don't even recognize there is any thyroid dysfunction to be corrected.

I can't put my trust in a profession that does more professing than curing. In fact, it does no curing. It isn't meant to "cure." That's why they are so slow to notice any nutrient deficiencies, and when they do, they stop at a few. What about the nutrients needed for proper thyroid function? What about finding the cause of the nutrient deficiencies (lack of absorption? low stomach acid? -- oh! could be a thyroid issue!). But they don't.

If I take care of my body's regulator (the thyroid), then I can prevent other maladies from surfacing. Keep the regulator happy, and the mind and body will follow. (Unfortunately, I have no thyroid. It was removed by those who didn't understand it was merely dysfunctional due to a lack of nutrients -- not that it was "diseased" and was catching! Horrible what they do to we who trust them to do the right things for us. They aren't taught to do the right things!

Conventional medicine pays no heed to the harm they do when supposedly attempting to help you. They'll remove an organ in a heartbeat because they say it isn't working properly. Huh? When's the last time they threw out their Mercedes because it sputtered a bit? My thyroid can't get the same consideration? Sad.

Anything that causes harm to the body in order to "get you well," just doesn't make sense to me. Disease merely means "dysfunction." Why remove the organ when you could instead correct the dysfunction?

"You have thyroid disease," certainly gets our attention.

"You have thyroid dysfunction. Let's check your vitamins and minerals. Often times, when the body doesn't have enough for the thyroid to carry out all of its functions, the thyroid function slows down and symptoms arise," said no conventional doctor ever.

Because that takes knowledge about about vitamins, minerals, absorption of such, stomach acid, etc. If conventional doctors tried to do that, they'd uncover once and for all that most of their medicines are prescribed to alleviate symptoms caused by thyroid dysfunction. They'd be busted!

Their medicines would be uncovered for the junk that they are. The man behind the curtain would faint and fall on the floor for all to finally see!

Conventional medicine is forever prescribing a medication and then two more to offset the damage done by the first medication. It's a total racket. We all know it. And no one is getting healthier. In fact, we're all getting sicker.

The way to get your health back is to either find a doctor of functional medicine (who knows the entire body and what its needs are {it's not poisonous pharmaceuticals}) or to take control of your health by educating yourself in how conventional medicine is using people in ways you never knew.

When we think we have a problem that only a doctor can handle, without making any effort to see if we can find a holistic way of addressing it, then we are just another Cash Cow in line waiting to be milked and dismissed.

Sicker than ever, too!

When we continue to go back to the same doctors who are in the dark as to what people need in order to be well: vitamins, nutrients, hormones, a purging of toxins and removing all known toxins from one's lifestyle... well, that digs into most of the manufacturers on the planet, doesn't it? There's too much money that wouldn't go into their hands!

They all would have to get in line and stop contributing to the demise of people's health. Can you imagine?

Well, neither can they.

So if they won't make a change, then we must.

Imagine if we all got wise and decided to take responsibility for our health instead of (for those who do) blindly handing it over to someone who knows less about our dysfunction than we do. It's what we've been brainwashed to do.

I used to be one of those Cash Cows. For sure!

The poisons are out there. No amount of defending those poisons makes anybody any healthier. Sure, they can mask some symptoms for you until the other shoe drops and you're right back suffering under their care. If you need help, then find a functional practitioner or former conventional medicine doctor who has seen that functional medicine is real medicine. There are more of them everyday. There's a reason for that.

Conventional medicine makes a ton of money off our ignorance. So we need to be the first generation who "gets it" in droves. No more Cash Cow Syndrome for us. LOL

Seriously, the way doctors handle their conventional medicine practices remind me of when people would be killed for reading a bible. It wasn't for our eyes to see! We had to have it interpreted for we poor dumb souls.

And everyone back then remained ignorant of everything between the lines as well as all that was told to them, albeit unknown at the time to have been done in a most self-serving manner.

We don't have to be ignorant of what is right for our health just because conventional doctors think we're not keen enough to understand it. Trust me, it's not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination.

The body is far simpler than conventional medicine wants us to realize. It keeps us dependent on them for us to be healthy. Yet the vast majority of us don't get there under their care.

So yes, I read labels and trust nothing.

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to CSmithLadd

I know how bad fluoroquinolones can be, my point was that if you have life threatening illness it's not a choice.

I had septicaemia, can't just choose not to go and take whatever is given to safe your life.

And no matter how dangerous those drugs are , I still choose to have them in case my heart stops working or lungs collapse.

There are areas of India where fluoride is found in abundance in the soil and hence the water.

Many of the people from these areas develop a condition called Skeletal Fluorosis

it is a disease that fuses the vertebra together a very painful and crippling condition.

The_will_of_Jill profile image
The_will_of_Jill in reply to

Well I hope to God that the place in India where they are collecting the Ashwagandha root and Holy Basil leaf that I've recently started taking isn't full of it : /

in reply to The_will_of_Jill

Or tea for that matter. I will try to find out where it occurs!

I have been using Euthymol toothpaste for 4 months now. Fluoride free and cleans your teeth very well indeed.


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to

But does have Erythrosine Cl45430 (as do many glacé cherries) which contains iodine.


Also, sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulphate, methyl salicylate, carrageenan and saccharin.

Different people have different views about these substances but all the ones I selected have their critics.

Lentil61 profile image
Lentil61 in reply to helvella

Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

in reply to Lentil61

Hi Peter

So true

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to helvella

Iodine is not the enemy. It's use for correcting iodine deficiency can be harmful if the patient has a coinciding selenium deficiency that is not addressed at the same time. Therefore, selenium must be up to par and maintained for patients to regain optimal thyroid function at any level, as selenium is necessary for conversion of thyroid hormone. It makes sense that if being treated with iodine for such deficiency, selenium would also be administered.

Well, it wasn't.

That was missed by those years ago who noticed iodine had a seemingly detrimental effect on those with auto-immune hypothyroidism (95% of all hypo is auto-immune). The discovery that selenium can counteract that issue is one we should all remember so as not to dissuade those who can get better on iodine supplementation by taking it along with selenium.

Remember, most iodine protocols are high dose -- and that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about the notion of refraining from adding any iodine at all to one's protocol due to the fear that any iodine is harmful. It's not.

In fact, low dose iodine has never been indicated as being problematic to those with Hashi's. Rather, it's high dose supplementation without simultaneously supplementing selenium that causes issues with increasing antibodies and therefore harmful to the thyroid. To me, it just makes sense to supplement selenium when routinely taking iodine supplementation.

The article below (and there are many others) explains why the former fear of taking iodine as being akin to hypothyroidism as "like gasoline on a fire," is no longer true without the accompanying asterisk:

* Only in cases where iodine supplementation coincides with an unaddressed selenium deficiency.



Iodine is not the enemy. You cannot live without it.

But thinking it is the enemy can keep some of us from getting better, as it could be that we need more it -- or perhaps less. It's all about balance in the body so as to make the best us of whatever thyroid hormones we do have -- or take. This is where an open-mind about the health benefits gained by the addition of iodine and selenium is highly important.

No one checks iodine status in the body. They've all been brainwashed into thinking the populace of western civilization doesn't have iodine deficiencies!

That is total rubbish. And how would conventional medicine know for sure, as they never check iodine levels and hardly check other nutritional balances as a rule. When we see how vital it is to have ample nutrients in order for our thyroid to function properly, well, it is beyond the realm of all logic for that fact to be missed by those who profess to have your health as a priority.

Nutritional imbalance is usually at the core of where hypothyroidism gets its foothold. And when that happens, there are often many imbalances throughout the body due to each other. The body must have all nutrients in place -- vitamins, minerals, and hormones in order for it to function properly.

Organs just don't get "diseased" out-of-the blue, nor are they diseased in the manner we may think. Remember, "disease," medically, simply means "dysfunctional."

Gives you hope, doesn't it?

Organs and glands become "dysfunctional" when they go without adequate active thyroid hormone in every cell of the body. We need ample thyroid hormone and when we've been without enough T3 for long periods of time, we need T3 supplementation to immediately quell the symptoms caused throughout the body by that lack of T3 in the cells. Once the body rebounds, many can regain thyroid function after addressing all deficiencies and ridding the body of all toxins.

There's much to learn about what we've been told is a "disease," in its seemingly authoritative medical vernacular, but yet is actually a "dysfunction" with a reversible cause. It is up to us to recognize the choice of words of the medical community and what their words actually indicate. "There is a feeling of hopelessness brought on by the diagnoses of "disease." "Dysfunction" certainly seems to be far more manageable! Well, it is.

With dysfunction there can be a correction of the cause of that dysfunction in order to regain what was once optimal function. But then, if we all knew that, we'd not depend on conventional medicine for answers. We would know what first to do for ourselves.

It may be too late for some of us, but what we say today can keep misinformation continuing to spread. It is being misinformed that keeps us dependent on conventional medicine. The more we know and the more we understand, the more we can help bring about change for the future -- and the better health for all those in it.

We can no longer trust what is being told to us by those who are being paid as trained monkeys to parrot the mantra of conventional medicine. Instead, we have to research and compare in order to find out for ourselves -- or have others earn your trust as they improve your health. No one should have to fight for proper treatment.

We must do all we can to make sure we're well informed on what our options are for creating a perfect environment within our body for healing to occur. The more we steer clear of toxins, that which inhibits proper functioning of the body, and recognizing exactly what our deficiencies are and go about correcting them, the healthier we become.

Hope this helps!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to CSmithLadd


I didn't say that Iodine is the enemy.

All I was doing was pointing out that a) Euthymol contains erythrosine; b) erythrosine contains iodine - and then it is up to the user to decide if that is, or is not, significant for them. For example, glacé cherries are expressly mentioned in many "low iodine" lists pre-RAI.

Erythrosine is mentioned in several papers regarding thyroid. For example, and possibly towards the alarmist end of the scale:

Chronic erythrosine ingestion may promote thyroid tumor formation in rats via chronic stimulation of the thyroid by TSH.


As I said in my response:

Different people have different views about these substances but all the ones I selected have their critics.

That was meant to acknowledge the breadth of opinion and advise everyone not to take their being mentioned in itself to be a criticism.

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to helvella

My post is a rather pat one that reminds anyone who may get confused about the use of iodine with hypothyroidism. It is a topic that is rife with misinformation.

Not that yours was misinformation. It was just another opportunity for me to clarify.

I understood your post perfectly. My post was not written as criticism of yours. I'm sorry you felt that way.

What I do is to offer information that may or may not be of use to all others --but as long as it is useful to some, that gives it ample merit.

Therefore, what you wrote has no less merit, helvella.

It was not my intention for your feathers to be ruffled. Not even remotely.

CSmithLadd profile image

"The fluoride in prescription medicines is an overt use by the medical pharmaceutical companies to further the need for their questionable products under the guise of treatment. That is why these companies are getting richer and people are getting sicker."

Reads like what I say everyday. Amen!! It's true.

Baking soda and peroxide for the teeth and mouth is fabulous and healthy!

Great post. I agree 100%.

Thank you for making others aware. It is so important to rid the body of all toxins.

dang profile image
dang in reply to CSmithLadd

I sort've agree with you guys to an extent, but peroxide? That's not healthy to ingest you understand, that's worse than toxic, it's poisonous. (Not sure if you were being sarcastic).

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to dang

Hey dang, no you don't ingest it.

Hydrogen peroxide is found in many toothpastes on the market. You spit it out and rinse with water afterward, just as people do with all tooth cleansers. Hydrogen peroxide has to be diluted appropriately for use, I wouldn't use it right out of the bottle -- as that can be too harsh for some.

Try it. You need very little of baking soda and HP to make a simple paste. To me, nothing feels cleaner.

Hope this helps!

dang profile image
dang in reply to CSmithLadd

If you don't digest it then isn't it the same as having fluoride in toothpaste? I'm not trying to argue, I just don't understand why people are worried about fluoride in toothpaste. When it's in drinking water or in medication then I understand being cautious.

CSmithLadd profile image

The biggest problem with fluoride is that it is in drinking water and many other things. So we're exposed to it constantly, even when we don't know it. So the more we can keep from that exposure, the better.

Fluoride added to toothpaste and mouthwash just gives us more of what our body doesn't need and there is no proof whatsoever that fluoride has any impact on tooth health. We brush our teeth two or three times a day. When you start adding it up, if using fluoride (a known inhibitor to thyroid function) -- it's an exposure we can certainly do without.

Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, is not absorbed by the skin, but can be toxic when inhaled or ingested if the solution concentration is high. Most household solutions of hydrogen peroxide are 3%. Not harmful if even a small child should ingest it accidentally. It might give them stomach upset, but that's pretty much it.

Which means a little hydrogen peroxide 3% solution added to a bit of baking soda for cleaning the teeth is not harmful to the body. Also, it isn't harmful to thyroid function either. Those claims can't be said for the use of fluoride.



Hope this helps!

Jessiepup profile image

I avoid fluoride now, and have been balancing minerals and healing by gut for a few years from antibiotic damage. Researched natural remedies. I used to get UTIs and Chest infections regularly. Now if I get I sign of one starting I treat naturally - I havent needed antibiotics since.

After brushing teeth, rinse with activated charcoal easy.

I was on the Floxie Facebook group for a while and there were veterans from US forces damaged permanently by flouroquinilines, some think vaccines and antibiotics are the cause of Gulf War Syndrome

Jessiepup profile image

I agree Flouride is poison and my family have my instruction to resist any attempt my medical to ever give me a flouro drug.

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