Hi finally got all the private blood test results the blue lines are the ones come back abnormal thyroid check and essential diet check I've recently posted the thyroid results and it seems I've got hashimotos I've suffered with terrible problems with my stomach for years and needing the loo after eating I've had a blood test for gluten intolerance but come back negative from these results do you think I should show GP and ask for b12 jab? Any advice would be great many thanks
Blood test results : Hi finally got all the... - Thyroid UK
Blood test results

Definitely take your results to your GP immediately and show him/her all the results and ask what he/she plans to do. You might need other tests before treatment for b12 deficiency to find out the cause of your insufficiency, for example the blood test for intrinsic factor. You can find out more about B12 treatment from the Healthunlocked Pernicious Anaemia forum. You have autoimmune thyroid condition, Hashimotos' and many people on here have said how helpful a gluten free diet is even if they have not got celiac disease. Others more knowledgeable can tell you more.
Definitely show your GP......and it will be interesting to know how he/she begins to manage your medical condition. What are the issues with your stomach? is it bloating/weight gain etc?

The tests for gluten are very unreliable. A coeliac blood test is only right about 50% of the time, even an endoscopy is not 100% reliable. There is no test available on NHS for gluten intolerance.
With Hashimoto's an extremely high percentage of us find changing to strictly gluten free diet helps reduce symptoms significantly and slowly reduces antibodies
Your extremely low B12 and folate need full investigation for Pernicious Anaemia and intrinsic factor.
There's no vitamin D test. Ask GP to do this. Vast majority of us with Hashimoto's have low vitamin D. This will likely also need improving
See this post from earlier for vitamin advice from SeasideSusie plus more about Hashimoto's from myself
Hi slow dragon my vitamin D is ok I was tested for it and it is on the photo I uploaded x
O yes - sorry missed that - yes it's fine
Ask for referral to gastroenterologist for full investigation into gut issues
Phoned hospital today letters not been lost in the post told long waiting list will have to wait a few more months yet!!!! 😩