Hi there, hope everyone is well.
I have posted before on here with regards to infuriating hypothyroid symptoms that are really holding me back from moving forward in my life.
I have done saliva cortisol testing and full thyroid checks but apart from slightly low morning cortisol, low dheas and an elevated tsh, I can't pinpoint why I continue to experience hypo symptoms such as myxedema and depression.
Back in May, I made what appeared to be a breakthrough and felt that finally I had a grasp on eliminating these symptoms. I was taking hydrocortisone as prescribed by a private doctor and 50mg dhea.
However this progress was shortlived, and now my symptoms seem to be worse than ever. These are my most recent tests that I have done.
24hr saliva test
Morning: 11.6 (6-21)
Noon 5.2 (1.5-7.6)
4pm 3.4 (0-5.4)
Night 1.5 (0-1.99)
The ranges for these results were actually adapted after my results which confuses me since the morning range was 14-21 which is quite dramatically different. All my other values were low normal. Now it looks like my cortisol isnt the cause right?
My recent ft3 was 50 percent of range. My tsh is always 3-4. I was wondering if i could have sone kind of chronic inflammation that is suppressing the thyroid cell receptors. Otherwise i have no clue as to what to do next, as all my tests seem relatively normal.
I have no antibodies to indicate hashimotos either, but the symptoms are definitely due to low thyroid hormone at the cellular level at least.
Also I forgot to mention.. i have taken low dose t3 a while back which actually improved symptoms but i always crashed with over stimulation and had to come off
Any insights would be massively appreciated.