I recently had my results from Medichecks of the saliva test . I have hashimotos and currently under medicated and deficiency in vitamin D all being addressed with increase of medication. However my GP did not understand the Cortisol results and is seeking advice from an endocrinologist that was a week ago. I feel dreadful on waking no energy very anxious and hot sleeping very poorly. At about 4 pm I pick up with some better energy levels which continues until the next morning. This has been happening since March . I am wondering if this could be because of my Hashimotos ? I would appreciate any advice or has anyone had a similar experience ?
Results Adrenal Hormones
Cortisol waking 42 .100nml/L
Range ( 6-21)
6.0-21.0 possible Addison's
Cortisol 12 noon 12.100nml/L (Range 1.5-7.6)
Cortisol 4pm 3.210 nml/L (Range o-5.5)
Cortisol before bed 1.5 nml/L
5.0 possible Cushing's
(Range 0-2)
Thanks for any input