Hi every one im euthyroid from graves disease from the past couple of week i get tired alot feel dizzy drowsy and sleepy during the day i went back to gp and did ask her to check cortisol level and thyroid i got the results my Tsh is 2.6 range is (.27to 4.5)and cortisol blood was taken at 9.30 in the morning fastinv ones and result is 169 nmol range is between 170 to 500 my vitamin d was 54.3 range is netween 50 to 150 and plasma glucose was 4.6 so yesterday went back to gp and she said all results are in their range i said i know glucose and tsh are in the range but y i still have symptoms y i dont feel myself ..was very a tive person and since i got this fhyroid problem last year im getting isdues with my body one after the other she said to me that i dont have thyroid problem anymore i said but i have auto immune graves disease she was still saying no u dont have any thyroid problem and theae r her words that im at my wits end now i cant do anything i can go private to get second opinion i was so upset and was vrying there meep saying that my vision has messed up i get pain in my meck alot which hoes straight into my ear and my head and these t those symptoms which have only eent away when i took carbomazole for only 7 weeks i think then stopped completely by the doctor but they so tude sorry i dont want to say but no one listen what u r going through pls if u guys can help me i would really appreciate ....thanks ...samy .
New blood results still aymptomatic: Hi every one... - Thyroid UK
New blood results still aymptomatic

How long since you stopped taking Carbimazole? TSH 2.6 indicates you may have been over medicated and that is why you feel fatigued.
VitD is optimal around 100 so I would supplement 5,000iu D3 daily for six weeks and then reduce to 5,000iu alternate days and retest in 3-4 months. If you buy on Amazon please use the affiliate link healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
Hi clutter thank u so much for ur teplyl like i said i took carbimazole for only 7 weeks that was last year at the start of june then diring the 3rd week of july they stopped it saying my blood results are normal since then im not on any thyroid medication but its neen a whole year my blood tesults r always within range but i get good and bad days evety week mostly bad days keep going to gp every other week is not helping either i do t know what to do
I think you may be becoming hypothyroid but NHS won't make a diagnosis until TSH is >4.5. You could try supplementing 200mcg selenium daily to support thyroid in adddition to supplementing vitamin D.
Unless you were tested positive for Graves antibodies it is possible you had transient hyperthyroidism caused by elevated thyroid peroxidase antibodies (Hashimoto's) which eventually causes hypothyroidism. Ask your GP receptionist whether any thyroid antibodies have been tested.
Clutter my graves antibodies were positive TRAB last year an this year in cebruary i requested my gp to check antibodies and she checked tpo perioxidase i think and they were slightly elevated my results were55 and range was between 0 to 50
Im taking all the supplements vitamin d selenium b complex and ferrous sulphate and just started taking b12 too