Hi, I've just been reading posts about sweating. I need someone to define what a cold sweat is as opposed to a normal sweat please. We dont get hot sweat do we? Im burning up regularly day and night yet when I wipe the sweat off the sweat feels cold....does that mean i have cold sweats or hot flushes? Im confused. I;m not menopausal yet. Im hypothyroid with severe vit d deficiency; under control as far as the blood test results go, with the medication. I also use salbutamol, montekeukast for allergies and cetirizine for rhintis. Those last few dont cause me any problems. However I have copd and allergic asthma and have had more emergencies lately; last two years more in last six months with severe anaphylatic type reactions to things I never used to - as well as the bog standard cats, dogs, house dust mites and some medications - seemingly steroids which at the same time are saving my life. Well I post this here because dr says its all down to being hypithyroid which I can believe after reading others thyroid symptoms. But if my blood tests come back within limits how come I'm getting more symptoms now than before I was being treated for it? Anyone else get same thing? Its crazy I'm tempted to be done with medication I literally find it hard to swalliw anyway as my throat is usually swollen up. Can anyone shed any light or share their story?
On and off sweating 24 hours.: Hi, I've just been... - Thyroid UK
On and off sweating 24 hours.

A cold sweat is when you feel cold, but you sweat anyway. Nothing to do with the temperature of the sweat itself.
Horses sweat - men perspire - and ladies glow 😊 I glow massively on the head and arms - yet my arms are cold to touch ....
I'm the same. I can be really glowy but my skin always feels cool. Partner doesn't understand and always pulls the covers over me in the night because my skin is cold but I still feel hot. Grrrr.
Jo xx
Lol I sweat like a man no healthy glow for me mate. Ah yeah you're same as me for that then. I also sweat on the lower back...it's strange. Read it might be something to do with adrenals. My kidney function not good either. Hsve you had a diagnosis of why you 'glow'?
Just accepting my thermostat is shot 😊
yup, hopefully it's not permanent and whatever is causing it can be fixed.
I've been back to docs today, he's changed my medication from mirtazapine to seretine and Zoloft to help me sleep. still got to take diazepam if I get in a panic. so pretty soon should be well chilled. As it happens my son had appointment at his doc today and he has been put on a low dose of citalopram. This is new for him, he's never had antidepressants before but like me he has been an insomniac for years. I'm feeling quite positive that we've both taken action.