I have been suffering from over heating and excessive sweating for about 10 years now but this year it has worsened to the point that for most of the day I have to sit and walk around with a flannel on my head soaked in cold water. Every few minutes I have to rotate the flannel until eventually it is practically dry and warmer than my skin temperature at which point I have to hold the flannel under the cold tap again.
Most nights I cannot get to sleep unless I place a wet folded flannel across my forehead .
I sweat most of the time especially on the back of my neck and top of my head.
Clearly something is making my core temperature rise but I'm not sure what.? Occasionally it gets worse after eating a large meal which is to be expected but I shouldn't be hot like this all the time.
Occasionally maybe 3-4 times a year I experience a sort of low blood sugar /anxiety attack as well as sweating and at these times I need to eat lots of carbs and fat very urgently or my hands start to shake and I feel very anxious and weak.
I read recently that the excessive heat symptoms could be a result of a gluten intolerance and as I eat a lot of bread cake biscuits cereals and other wheat,rye,barley, products I thought that I would try a gluten free diet for a few of weeks and see if there is any noticeable change although I appreciate it would probably require going gluten free for several months to bring about any significant improvements.
I was wondering if anyone else suffered this ?