Hello everyone.
Please could you explain my blood test results. Was hyper, then hypo and now ???
F3 4.6 ref 2.6 - 5.7
F4 13.4 ref 9 - 19
TSH basal 0.07 ref 0.3 - 4.3
On Neomercazole 5 mg daily
Thank you
Hello everyone.
Please could you explain my blood test results. Was hyper, then hypo and now ???
F3 4.6 ref 2.6 - 5.7
F4 13.4 ref 9 - 19
TSH basal 0.07 ref 0.3 - 4.3
On Neomercazole 5 mg daily
Thank you
Hi - it looks to me like your results are fairly reasonable at the minute, but how are you feeling? That is the real issue. As you are still on neomercazole I assume you are still not considered stable and those results could change again.
Hang on in there.