Hello! The first post, so please excuse me if I'm stating the obvious here.
I've been suffering from exhaustion for years now and I've always been told my thyroid function is at the lower end of normal. All the women in my family have underactive thyroid, but I've just done as I'm told and carried on without treatment. My aunt is within normal limits but has been told that this is still low for her and she has been treated and feels much better for it.
For the past few months I've been experiencing a weird twitching tongue, so I went back to the docs. I had a blood test for anemia which they thought could be a cause (and I get problems with anemia quite a bit too).
My doc rang me back with the results yesterday and because I had come off nights she woke me with the news and I was a bit dazed and surprised to hear that my thyroid is now just below normal and my phosphate level is low. She is going to retest me for Ferritin levels apparently, I don't know why.
She did say the numbers of the thyroid test, but I didn't write them down and I can't remember what they were or what type of thyroid levels were tested. I just remember sitting bolt upright because for the first time she said my thyroid function was low. But she also said that they were only just below the line so she wouldn't treat it. She wants to test my thyroid again in 3 months to check the results.
I'm a bit confused. I've basically been waiting for a drop so I can start treatment. I got told this week that I look worse than my patients. And as for the phosphate levels - I don't drink much alcohol (about 1 unit a month) and I take regular vitamin D supplements. But low thyroid function can cause low phosphate. Surely even if my thyroid function is only just below the line, if it's starting to impact on the rest of my body chemistry it needs to be sorted?
Has anybody else been told their thyroid is low but they won't be treated for it?
Too tired to fight this.