I had replied on a question about T3, that I was interested in finding it outsourced, as I've been through SEVERAL doctors here and they simply don't "believe" in using the "dangerous" stuff. I know because I've read that it has made huge differences in people's lives but guess I will have to self medicate to obtain it. I am in the U.S. and have had half of my thyroid removed due to a single golf ball sized dominant mass on my right thyroid. Mother and both sisters had hashis, (and thyroid removal) one sister's was cancer. I'm lucky to still have my one half (I hear). Anyways here are my labs.. I've been hypo for 15 years unacknowledged.
Before NDT TSH 3.2 (.32-4.5). They refused to test any others. Then they found the tumor and put me on NDT.
TSH before the surgery on 2gr NDT .5 (.34-4.2)
*Edited to add removed from all meds surgery day until my thyroid "levels out".. :/
TSH 2 weeks after the surgery.. 8.0 (.4-4.5).
Free T3 2.4 (2.3-4.2)
Ft4. .6 (.76-1.46)
Placed on synthroid (that I'm not taking) I'm still taking my NDT 95mg and 5ug T3 (twice daily). (Yes he finally gave me a little but won't budge).
I'm certain I have adrenal fatigue stage 3 from working high adrenaline jobs of law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS, prison officer, etc mostly overnight shifts and long hours. Then I was anorexic (in starving myself ) still weighed 200...for 5 months. Then I got married and had 2 babies and nursed them each 2 years. (My body's burnt out)
I also I have adrenal diurnal saliva results of
730a 3.9 (3.7-9.5) very low
1230a 1.6 (1.2-3.0) low
530p .8 (.6-1.9) low
1030p .6 (.4-1.0) higher than optimal
So that's either BELOW or on the bottom of every level. I'm exhausted all day and live in chronic fatigue while TRYING to raise my two toddlers. Which means that I'm probably producing a high amount of RT3. Don't know because my doctor"sssss" won't run any other labs and told me to stay on the synth/T3 for 3 months minimum before they'll draw blood. So here I am.. but I honestly think that I'm not converting well or.. I'm converting to RT3 due to bad adrenals. (I'm scheduled to see a full blown adrenal functional med doctor this month on the 23rd). Everything I've read says I need to lower the T4 or stop it completely and move to T3 only or raise it quite a bit to eliminate the production of RT3 while fixing adrenals. I didn't intend on writing all of this out etc.. I simply read about the NHS stopping T3 (infuriating!!!) and someone said that a member could provide a PM on how to get the T3 outsourced. So I replied I was interested in a PM on how to do that. (Safely). But I was asked to tell the group about myself first.