Hi All
Sorry it's late in the evening (I know I should be in bed resting those adrenals!!) and I am probably being a bit thick here but .....
my tests results have always shown low adrenals, low dhea, low testosterone - basically adrenal fatigue. I am trying CT3M to tackle this.
I haven't had the specific reverse T3 test but have saliva/urine/blood adrenal and thyroid tests and these show weak adrenals etc - see results at the end of this mail. I just wanted to double check my understanding:
1) I am pretty sure I am not converting all T4 into active T3 and that this may be because of my poor adrenal function
2) I am trying to fix this by timing when I take T3 (currently on 40mg) during the day and I just take all my T4 (125mg) in the morning not with food
3) Do you only get reverse T3 /conversion of T4 into active t3 issues if you are taking T4. In other words if you only took T3 could you still get reverse T3/conversion problems or would that remove the conversion problem? Is that why some people only take T3?
I hope I am making some sense here...not sure that I am!
thanks for help from anyone willing to figure out what my foggy and tired brain is trying to ask....!
Blood tests & ranges
TSH 0.07 (0.3 to 4.5)
T3 free 3.64 (2.1 to 4.2)
T4 free 0.86 (0.7 to 1.8)
Testosterone 85 (150 to 600) this result doesn’t look good at all – is it linked to adrenals??
DHEA 41 (65 to 280) doesn’t look great either
Urine tests
T3 1770 (800 to 2500)
T4 2120 (550 to 3160) looks high here but is low in blood tests – why would that be?
Total 17 OH steroids 2.81 (3.17 to 8.63) I don’t know what this is either but doesn’t look good