Can a person who has had RAI treatment manage their thyriod condition naturally or is that not a viable option.
Holistic approach to thyriod levels: Can a person... - Thyroid UK
Holistic approach to thyriod levels
Depends on reason for rai. If it was for Graves' disease the dose is meant to kill off part of the thyroid but many people end up requiring hormone replacement as to much of the thyroid is damaged. If the rai is for malignancy the dose is targeted to destroy any remaining thyroid cells and any remaining cancer. So the answer to your question is that without more details it is impossible to answer.
It was for Graves cjrsquared. Had it 4 years ago and have been on 100mg of thyroxine, 6 weeks ago they upped meds, now I'm overmedicated and feeling dreadful, dropped doseage yesterday and waiting to feel better. Just wondering if there was an natural alternative.
Thanks for replying.

Levothyroxine has a long half life that is why it takes 6 weeks after a dose change to reach a steady state. If you feel over medicated it is reasonable to miss several doses and then restart on the lower dose. Just make sure that you don't have blood tests until 6 weeks after restarting levothyroxine.
Levothyroxine is a synthetic hormone replacement. There is ndt, natural desiccated thyroid which is made from pigs thyroid, but it is very rarely prescribed as it is not licensed for use in the U.K. It is made from an animal but is still manufactured. There is no way to regrow destroyed thyroid tissue so you will need hormone replacement for life.
My Dr said I was overmedicated after bloods this week. So advised me to drop from 125 mg to 112.5 mcg, so I've lowered my dose.
6 weeks ago they said I was low(I did feel low) and suggested I take a higher dose of 125 mg than my usual 100mg. Thanks for your advice
Thanks cjrsquared

I think your doctor is dosing by the TSH. A very dangerous thing to do!
I agree, so does my Dr. She stipulated on my last blood tests they tested my t3 and T4, but apparently the lab at the hospital take some convincing, their attitude is, it doesn't make a difference- which we all know is incorrect(that's putting it politely).
So I'm assuming they DID check them?
I have an apt with my new GP this week, where I will get a print out of my blood results and an explanation. She seems to be very clued up on thyriod probs, I wonder if she has had personal experience of it, or maybe she's just a very thorough, empathetic GP. Either way, I am over medicated and dropping my dose is the first step.
Thanks grey goose.

I think that's a dangerous thing to assume.

So what were the actual results? You can't assume anything and need to see your results.
Hi pidge67 can't see how you could manage your thyroid condition naturally after Rai as your thyroid is not working any more it's basically been killed by the radio active iodine so you will need to take t4/t3 for the rest of your life.
Thankyou Raventhorpe.
What is RAI?
And what Thyroid condition please?
Levothyroxine must be taken daily for the rest of your life if you have Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis and /or Hypothyroidism.
Graves disease
Radio active iodine treatment
You can get a natural dessicated thyroid hormone, the very orginal hormone replacement and it is made from pigs or cows thyroid glands and contains all of the hormones a healthy human gland would.
It has been in use in various forms since 1892 until the 'modern' replacement, T4, was introduced but it is still available although GPs have been instructed not to prescribe it (it used to be).
Why do they deny an alternative hormone which may provide the patient with good health?
I shall give you a link:
Thankyou Shaws 😊
Now you're scaring me grey goose. I'm seeing my GP this week, so will get the facts.

I think what Greygoose is saying is that doctors are often wrong, so it's best to double check what they tell you.
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