Ladies and Gentlemen, how do?!
As someone who hasn't had my condition confirmed by the medical fraternity, I suspect that an autoimmune disorder has taken to blight my health. Having spent 30 years running and keeping pretty active, when presented to the medical profession a seemingly very fit 54 year old, with normal blood results the diagnosis I received was one of a psychiatric nature. I.e. My anxiety deression and low mood were merely fixations of the mind. To which a firm response was duly returned suggesting 'they were completely wrong'.
A verbal conversation with my doctor (or his receptionist) about a TPOab et al test confimed my innermost fear reporting back a test result of 390+
My question is this: If my symptoms are thyroid related but my immune system is attacking my thyroid I don't actually think that the immune system is limiting its attack to just my thyroid. In which case medical itervention to tackle the symptoms of thyroid disfunction would be misplaced as surely the 'root cause' or inflamatory markers (TPOab) should perhaps be addressed via diet in the first instance?
I'd love to hear your views. Thank you.