Very tired of paying an exorbitant price for T3 in UK. Would like to buy from Germany - does anybody have a reputable German supplier?
Liothyronine: Very tired of paying an exorbitant... - Thyroid UK

can't help but , just out of interest , how much is in the UK ?
On a private prescription £800 a month
good lord! no wonder we resort to google.....crazy when it is so cheap over the counter in could have a holiday in the sunshine twice a year to stock up and save yourself a fortune
Is that for real or have you added another 0 , £800 a month for thyroid meds ? I get a bottle of thyroid-s and it lasts me about 9 months. Are you on T3 only and unable to use NDT ?
Yes. Can only use T3 - can't convert T4 .
That's terrible for you . So that was £800 for a private script and a months worth of meds. I would move to Germany .
Hi - that's what my husband thought when he retired and I had been ill for over 15 years... left London (😭) for Berlin. The healthcare is definitely very good but costs: 17% of income for life . Endocrinologists are useless here as well - even my GP says she has never met one she would trust with her own health!
I've lived in Berlin for a while. Endocrinologists there are simply awful, same as here. Don't think that they are in any way better. I met some of the worst endos there, I will always remember one who was trying to make some funny remarks about how I am imagining that I am sick!
Oh yes - the condescending/'funny'remarks... they are very good at that!
I have cried tears of frustration after every endo encounter, in every country I have lived in!
He probably wasn't joking. Blaming patients and telling them they are making themselves ill and they could be well if only they thought the right way is modern medicine at its best. The NHS is doing this more and more too. It saves money.
ah, I just posted a duplicate post! it isn't easy searching online is it?
If you have a prescription you can use it to buy Thybon 20mcg.
Hi I have just paid 6.96 euros for 2 boxes of 25 mg x 30 tablets here in France.

Interesting does your pharmacy deal with overseas prescriptions?

Can one buy T3 over the counter in France? It's a bit closer to England than Greece. Or do you need a prescription to get it in France? A day trip to Brittany would be cheaper
No you do not require a prescription for T3. I live in France and just walk in to my local pharmacy and ask for it.

Yes, you do need prescription. I don't live in France but I've been there couple of times. And I think there are several members here who live in France for years who will confirm what I am saying. If you know some pharmacist there personally that's your thing, but please don't spread false hope here as some members can read your comments around, pay for the trip to France just to get T3 and finish being really disappointed.
Like I said before I tried at my local pharmacy without a prescription and was able to buy 2 boxes. I didn't know the pharmacy assistant.
In fact I was only trying to help people and as I said before that
I would try again next week at a different town, and then again and again, until I know for sure if in fact it was a lucky (one off) OK.

Okay, I understand and my intention was not to argue with you. I just know that when I was there a had quite a long polite discussions with several pharmacists and they looked at their computers, books and so on checking and confirmed that T3 there is prescription only. This usually finished with "Mademoiselle if you bring us prescription we will sell it to you gladly". When I asked does it have to be from a French doctor, they usually replied yes. I am not sure is that correct or can it be any doctor, however prescription is needed. I'm of course not saying that in some smaller communities, villages, etc. where I didn't go some pharmacists are probably willing to risk more and give them sometimes without asking for prescription, that's how you probably bought them, but according to law there prescription is needed.

Hi just reading previous texts message . Did you have success with getting the t3 meds in other pharmacy in France ? I have a friend there who could get them for me if this is the case. Appreciate your help .
Yes most other pharmacies in different towns will order it I live in Dept 86.
When I visited La Rochelle recently I asked for it there and they told me that they would order it without a prescription too.

Thank you so much. My friend has just moved to Paris so I will ask her to check it out for me . 😊
good luck do you know exactly what to ask for name etc etc ?

Hi sorry to take so take so long have been poorly with virus. No I don’t know what to ask for .
Pls can you give me the French name and also so they do different sizes ie 5,10,25 mcg or just one.
Appreciate your help. Have already contacted friend who is happy to try for me. She has just moved to Paris . 😀
I live in France and just walk into my local pharmacy and order it for the same afternoon.
No prescription required. In fact I bought some only last weeks 60 tablets for 6.96 euros.

How much can one buy in one go ? I suppose could always go around a few pharmacies. This is just so I know I could get T3 if I was absolutely desperate - a trip over on a ferry to Brittany
Marigold22, please note that you can't get it in France without prescription unless you maybe personally know some pharmacist. If you don't believe me ask any of several members here who live there for years.
The first time I purchased it was only last week. I actually don't use it myself
it was purely for people on this site to know how to get hold of T3. I bought 2 boxes. I am going to a different town next Wednesday and I will try to buy more. I will let people know.
I noticed Clutter has mentioned Thybon - I'm getting that on prescription at the moment - chemist is getting it from Germany, seems to be better than that previous brand - but couldn't tell you what that was. good luck
Thybon have used up their quota for outside of Germany sales! :0(
Can I ask where you are getting this from please Lydia8132 ?
I think it was their website - not sure now.
I went through looking for the t3, and was told their "allowance" for the year had been used. Sorry, can't be more help, I have looked at so many sites now! Regards, Lydia8132.