I have endocrinologist he prescribed 5mg Liothyronine morning then night bout 5yrs ago. Gps have cancelled my prescription with no notice,passed me round all gps in practice all giving different stories.
- 1gp said she can’t justify spending x amount of public money on me.
-2nd gp said if I want this prescription,go private,I’m NHS patient.
3rd-gp said I could have the liothyronine until my next appointment with endocrinologist,it was stopped with no notice.
-4th gp now saying the ccg whoever they are have stopped liothyronine and it’s out of his hands.
I have most of my under active symptoms back,dry eyes,cold,spiked temperatures,crying to name but a few.
I am on 100mg levothroxine only now. Gp yet again is ringing me tonight to bamboozle me again with medical jargon,last night reason for withdrawal of liothyronine was,liothyronine has side effects and I shouldn’t be taking it,however he would ring the ccg and see what he could do.l am recording consultations now.
Who took the liothyronine off me ?
What is the real reason it has been took off me ?
Can whoever took it off me do this ?
Can I get it back ?
I don’t know what to do,I just know I’m ill without it.
Can anyone help please.
Sorry this post is so long,many thx.