Hey guys. First off want to say how much I appreciate this site and all the knowledge I've gotten from it. Ok so my story in a nutshell - I've been suffering from hypothyroid like symptoms for the past 2 years, including EXTREME sensitivity to the cold, constipation, dry skin, fatigue, depression and brain fog. I went to a doctor two years ago who would only check my TSH levels and said they were fine. At first I actually believed the doc when he said this was all in my head, but as time went on my symptoms got much much worse. Like so bad that I have a tough time leaving the house. I went to see a new doctor 2 months ago who reluctantly agreed to test my T3 and T4 levels. Here are the results:
Free T3: 2.6 (range 2.3 - 4.2)
T3 Total: 78 (range 76 - 181)
Free T4: 0.9 (range 0.8 - 1.8)
T4 Total: 6.0 (range 4.5 - 12)
TSH: 2.11 (range 0.40 - 4.50)
I have shown these results to several people who confirm that my levels are low and show signs of hypothyroidism. However my doctor said that since they were in range I was fine and once again this was "all in my head." This is infuriating me since these doctors have been ignoring my symptoms and just focusing on their uneducated interpretations of the bloodwork. In an act of desperation I order some NDT from a Thailand pharmacy with the plan of self medicating myself, while monitoring my bloodwork every few months.
Does this sound like a safe plan? Do you also agree based off my lab results that I am hypothyroid? Any advice/criticisms would be much appreciated, I don't know how much longer I can go on like this!