My recent FT3 test shows my T3 over range. I am seeing my Endo next week, and fully expect him to have a hissy fit when he sees it lol (if I tell him)
After a few years of hypothyroid symptoms despite good T4 levels and low TSH levels (on 225mcgs Levothyroxine/day), I added T3 to my medication myself (25mcgs/day). The results have been amazing, all my Hypothyroid symptoms have fully gone after 8 weeks of T3. Quite shocked at how good I now feel. Below is todays blood results (patient feeling good):
TSH: <0.01 mIU/L - Range (0.27 - 4.2)
Free Thyroxine: 22.3 pmol/L - Range (12 - 22)
Free T3: 7.7 pmol/L - Range (3.1 - 6.8)
Blood results from 8 weeks ago prior to addition of T3 (patient feels terrible):
TSH: <0.01 mIU/L - Range (0.27 - 4.2)
Free Thyroxine: 23.1 pmol/L - Range (12 - 22)
Free T3: 5.5 pmol/L - Range (3.1 - 6.8)
Patient history is 25 years since Hypothyroidism diagnosed and treated. All good until dose reduction in 2014 (T4) which caused hypo symptoms, dose reinstated a year ago but no recovery from hypothyroid symptoms until T3 introduced recently. Vitamin D, B12, Ferritin all at good level.
I have no symptoms of over medication at all at present (well not yet) and wonder if it is best to reduce T3 and feel unwell, or stay on current dose and risk health issues (if any) and the obvious wrath of my GP/Endo lol