Yet another paper about vitamin D and autoimmune thyroid disease.
Interesting that this focusses on the antibodies. Many proponents of vitamin D concentrate (understandably) on feeling well and other factors.
Again, it says nothing which might realistically help to explain why some people, including some of those with autoimmune thyroid disease, are unable to supplement with vitamin D.
J Res Med Sci. 2016 Oct 18;21:85. doi: 10.4103/1735-1995.192501. eCollection 2016.
Effects of Vitamin D treatment on thyroid autoimmunity.
Simsek Y1, Cakır I2, Yetmis M2, Dizdar OS3, Baspinar O3, Gokay F1.
Author information
1Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey.
2Department of Internal Medicine, Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
3Department of Internal Medicine, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey.
Vitamin D was shown to be related to autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) in the previous studies. We aimed to investigate the relationship between Vitamin D and thyroid autoimmunity.
Eighty-two patients, diagnosed with AITD by the endocrinology outpatient clinic, were included in this prospective study. All of the patients had both AITD and Vitamin D deficiency, defined as serum values <20 ng/mL. They were randomly assigned into two groups. The first group included 46 patients and the second one included 36 patients. The first group was treated with Vitamin D for 1 month at 1000 IU/day. The second group served as the control group and was not treated with Vitamin D replacement. Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4 (fT4), thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO-Ab), thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb), and Vitamin D levels were measured at the initiation of the study and again at 1 month in all patients.
Two groups were similar with regard to age, sex, and type of thyroid disease. Whereas TPO-Ab (before; 278.3 ± 218.4 IU/ml and after; 267.9 ± 200.7 IU/ml) and TgAb (before; 331.9 ± 268.1 IU/ml and after; 275.4 ± 187.3 IU/ml) levels were significantly decreased by the Vitamin D replacement therapy in group 1 (P = 0.02, P = 0.03, respectively), the evaluated parameters in the control group did not significantly change (P = 0.869, P = 0.530, respectively). In addition, thyroid function tests did not significantly change with Vitamin D replacement in two groups.
Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the pathogenesis of AITDs. Since supplementation of the Vitamin D decreased thyroid antibody titers in this study in Vitamin D deficient subjects, in the future Vitamin D may become a part of AITDs' treatment, especially in those with Vitamin D insufficiency. Further clinical and experimental studies are required to understand the effect of Vitamin D on AITD.
Autoimmune thyroid diseases; Vitamin D; thyroid antibodies
PMID: 28163731
DOI: 10.4103/1735-1995.192501