Male, 39 years old, 71.5 kg.
Just want to know if someone here have a similar experience (more fatigue) whit T3.
I tried to ad T3 to my 100 mcg T4 dose but cannot tolerate it. Tried 2,5 mcg, 5 mcg and 10 mcg and the results are all the same: I fell more fatigued with it, and irritable to.
It is an indication that I am not ready for T3 or that my body don’t need it?
Whit 100 mcg of synthroid, my TSH is 0,19 uUI/ml, my Free T4 is at 65,45% of the reference range (1,42 ng/dl Ref: 0,70 – 1,80 ng/dl), and free T3 is at 65 % of the reference range (0,33 ng/dl Ref: 0,20 – 0,40).
Is this an indication that I am a good converter? I never had low freeT3 in any blood test, even without syntroid my FreeT3 is at 70% of the reference range, the problem is that whit no medication my TSH goes to 5 and free T4 drops to low on range.
Whit T4 only, my face is a little less puffy, I have more energy and feel more calm and relaxed, and I don’t have more cold hands and feet, but interesting, my wake up temperature is still low (35.9 Celsius) and peaks to 36.6 Celsius at 6 pm, but I can reach the desired 37 Celsius.
I tried T3 to see If the pain on the joints of my legs gets better, whit no results. Maybe the heaviness on my legs comes from a magnesium deficiency??
I think is now time to increase to 125 mcg or maybe 112 mcg, since in my country 112 mcg is available.
Thank you.