Adrenal Stress Test
Sample 1 (Post Awakening) 25.46 (7.45-32.56)
Sample 2 (+ 4-5 hours) 10.88 (2.76-11 .31)
Sample 3 (+ 4-5 Hours) 9.80 H (1.38-7.45)
Sample 4 (Prior to sleep) 10.88 H (0.83-3.86)
Dhea Mean 0.41
Dhea Cortisol Ratio 0.0022 (0.015-1.150)
Sample 1 AM -
0.56 (0.25 - 2.22)
Sample 2 PM 0.25 (0.25 - 2.22)
My sleep is very poor currently.
Im hypothyroid on 20mcg of T3. Also have PA and CFS and low IGF1. And just getting over relapse with flu and pleurisy which has completely knocked me off my feet. Pretty sure I had/have overgrowth of candida as Id broken out with everything, angular chelitis around mouth, thrush, eczema and have really felt Its been a slog for around 6 months plus. Now Ive come to a halt and off work and have to think about going part time. Somewhat better than when I was bed bound for 2 weeks, but sleep is horrendous even though Im exhausted. Have tried melatonin which made it worse. Nothing seems to help. Restless legs, hot feet. Body temperature out of control - cannot tolerate heat at all. When I do get to sleep I have horrendous nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat and my little old ticker going mad. (and usually its about being chased) !!
Can anyone shed any light please on what is happening
Thank you .