I have just had these results and would appreciate any advice tips re: management of high/’high within range’ cortisol, particularly the afternoon one. I have been taking herbal adaptogens (liquorice, ginseng, gingko biloba, California poppy, milk thistle, mother wort and ginger) since March, which I feel are helping. The results are slightly better than the test I did in November, although I was expecting better. I think that maybe I should have stopped the herbs for a while before taking the saliva test to get a truer picture. I took the test 5 days after starting T3, for which I am now noticing very tiny improvements. However, I am aware of a strange ‘stress’ reaction, feeling shaky, and a bit faint, which I think is an adrenal issue. I have noticed this since last year. Adrenal fatigue seems always to relate to low cortisol in the books I have read, which I want to avoid in the future so need to address this. Vitamin levels are all optimal, I eat healthily and regularly, avoid alcohol (most of the time!), don’t smoke, walk the dog (when I can), get regular good sleep. I am currently depressed and stressed (due to this damned illness and getting no support from medics) so taking 5HTP. Do I need over the counter adrenal support or HC? Do I just need to chillax? And if so, how!?
Sample 1 Post Awakening 29.77( 7.45-32.56)
Sample 2 10.79 (+ 4 - 5 Hours) (2.76-11.31)
Sample 3 16.60 (+ 4 - 5 Hours) (1.38 -7.45) Very High
Sample 4 4.79 (Prior to Sleep) (0.83 – 3.86) High
Sum of cortisol 62 (was 66 in November).
Mean: .42
DHea cortisol ratio .013 Low (.015-.150)
Secretory Iga is normal.