Now that my candida is under control (Yayyy!) I can properly contemplate doing something about my weight, and my nearly diabetes. I have already reduced my carb intake massively, avoiding all high carb foods and upping my fat intake. But if I lose weight at all its going to be very slow! So being the world's least patient person, I am thinking of either going ketogenic or just going the whole hog and fasting.
Ketogenic is going to be quite hard, I suspect, because I currently eat lots of green, red and yellow veg, and a helping of cabbage plus some nuts will take me over the meagre allowance of 20grams. I'm sure its possible to live on protein foods alone, but I must say I am finding it hard to imagine.
As for fasting, I have only ever tried intermittent fasting, as in the 5:2 diet, and I used to have trouble sleeping on fast days, and I suspect it contributed to my adrenal fatigue, although not nearly as much as the supplement I was given my my holistic doc.
So, who has tried either, and what was your experience?