Hi All,
I need some advice on T3 meds. I have been on armour for over a year (I have been funding it myself) and it hasn't really been that good for me, it took some symptoms away and gave me others. Anyway had app with my Endo on 20th oct and I asked if I could go back to just taking levothyroxine as I was sure I was feeling ill to the armour, she agreed and mentioned that she will give me T3 and that I should have no problem with my GP prescribing it, she gave me a note for my GP to prescribe both meds, which I took to GP that day, I telephoned the surgery the next day to see if prescription was done only to be told that my GP won't prescribe T3 as it (as she calls it) a black drug?? So I rang endo secretary to explain, she sent a fax over,to the surgery, who said they never received it, so i foned the secretary again who said she did send one and will send another, that was on Monday gone, I have just rang surgery and they are saying my GP won't prescribe it and it's down to the hospital. My point to this is, surely to god the endo has given out letters to other GP's regarding prescribing T3 for patients and I am not the only one who she has given T3 to and that being the case all those other patients would have to be going back to the endo with same problem as me hence the endo would no never to get a gp to prescribe, can't make any sense to this other than my GP is a complete minge bag and won't prescribe it because of the cost as they charge you £10 if you want blood test results printed.
Do others who take T3 get it prescribed by their GP and how do I fight this so that I can also get it prescribed?