food: Did anyone else have their tastebuds change... - Thyroid UK

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17 Replies

Did anyone else have their tastebuds change with hypothyroid? I just realized today, 9 months after diagnosis, that I am tasting food like I did two or three years ago and it's WONDERFUL!

17 Replies
Hather profile image

UNfortunately not yet, my main problem I am never really hungry and often don't finish my food, but have plenty of veg and fruit...only been diagnosed two or three months ago on 25gm levothyroxine, maybe after blood test next year they may alter prescription. Or maybe it's not the undraxrive thyroid causing the feeling full and not being weight is stable at under 9stone, but Drs are not that helpful as previous scans don't show up anything


in reply to Hather

I'm sorry to hear that, but in a way also glad cuz I didn't know if anyone else had altered taste. thanks for reply and I hope yours improves as well.

1881ellie profile image
1881ellie in reply to Hather

I got put on 40 of same drug as you. Hopefully if they do your bloods again they might alter dose.think I'm on it rest of life .x

Padster7 profile image

I'm 15 months post diagnosis hypo and hashimotos. I eat much more healthier now and minimal processed food. I'm loving fresh fruit and veggies and after a life time of being veggie eating a little bit of fish. Feeling so much better now although have a stinking cold last few days. Not sure if taste has changed but feel I've woken up to new healthy eating and no blooming gluten!! 😁

in reply to Padster7

it's a great feeling isn't it?

Chriskisby profile image

I was diagnosed in July with hypothyroidism and have been tested 6 weekly and have had my thyroxine gradually increased to 125mg ( my original tsh was >100). I feel much better generally, but still have aches and pains in neck and shoulders, but also food is totally tasteless to me too. I have cut out gluten too, in fact the very thought of it makes me feel ill! In fact I find carbohydrates painful too, eating no pasta, rice, bread or potatoes. I can manage flat breads occasionally, such as panini or wraps, but nothing else. I have always eaten healthily, but I do eat much less with my supressed appetite and have lost one and a half stones since diagnosis, so at least something good has come from all this!

It would be nice one day to actually enjoy food again and to be able to eat out sometimes, which I rarely do these days, especially in the evenings as, apart from no hunger I am just too tired to go out at night!

Padster7 profile image

It's still early days for you Chriskisby. You will get there. Symptoms can take a while to go. I hope you've had your vit d and B12 tested and your ferritin. It's really important these are optimum for you. It can make a big difference to how you feel and also how your levo is absorbed.

in reply to Padster7

Agreed. And one day you will realize that another symptom has subsided, and not remember exactly when. It does take a while for sure. Question...are vitamin levels normally tested in the UK?

Padster7 profile image

Depends on your GP. Mine did when I was diagnosed. I was told my levels were fine but when I got a printout and put them on here I discovered I was really low in them all. GP is reluctant to do them again because they were 'in range'. I do my own now with Blue Horizon Medicals. Well worth it. My endo would also test these as well as TSH FT3 and FT3 and antibodies.

in reply to Padster7

I see. Mine have always been done. My primary is an internist. Dunno if that's why, but it actually took me 8 months to get into her practice, which was way before the hypo. It's scary how many not so good doctors are out there. SO SO hard to find one that works with you.

in reply to Padster7

So you pay for your own blood tests now? And did you get your own copy from the doctor? Most people in the states who have insurance go to a separate lab and you get your results on line, They include a bright red arrow and the letter H if high, etc. Also there are links to explain what each test measures, and a copy goes to your doc. It's great to have those numbers when you see the doctor to review together.

SueHG profile image


Eddie83 profile image

DIstorted sense of taste (Dysgeusia) is on hypothyroid mom's list of symptoms:

... although that list does not mention specific vitamins, minerals, and/or amino acids associated with loss of taste.

1881ellie profile image
1881ellie in reply to Eddie83

Hi Eddie thanks for link to thyroid page,I have fibromyalgia and myalagica enphalitis and alot more of the symptoms listed.I've had them 10 years and thyroid only checked few months ago.why on earth have they done it sooner.I've got stage 3 kidney failure. It all must be linked to thyroid. In last ten months what I've had to take in and tests and investigations for illnesses has been awful and probably all down to thyroid. I asked my doctor years ago to check it as lost eyebrows and hair loss and gained belly weight but all down to my fibromyalgia. I moved home so had new doctor who done so much bloods and tests mri scans and I've got a lot wrong with me,I wonder how long I've had glad I read your message and got link.thanks

Ellie x

in reply to Eddie83

Yeah, it's quite a juggling act

1881ellie profile image

Yes before I was told I had it i went off food it tasted awful.yet my weight went up hair fell out.took 2 years to get simple blood test and took few months but taste buds back and lost stone in weight.x

wow. that's a rough journey. I only noticed eyebrows fell out. But I have dreadlocks and they were getting very thin at the roots. Sucks that it takes so long to feel better

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