Any advice on working out food sensitivities? I did the “Happy Gut” diet a couple of years ago which is low FODMAP, vegan and gluten-free. I felt great on it initially and was starting to reintroduce foods when I became really anaemic and had to stop (I don’t think vegan is for me!). I have recently started on a gluten-free diet, which has helped somewhat, but have noticed I react badly (stomach cramps, bloating etc) after eating raw red pepper and tomatoes. I know nightshades can be an issue with Hashimoto’s… it’s so complex - just wondering how other people have worked out what to exclude? Many thanks in advance 😊
Food Sensitivities: Any advice on working out... - Thyroid UK
Food Sensitivities

The gold standard for finding food intolerances is an elimination diet. So you remove everything that's suspect for a few weeks then slowly reintroduce making notes on any symptoms. It's laborious but worth it.
I have been gf and have sensitivities to many foods. I would avoid any processed food - my rule is if it has more than 3 ingredients don't buy it - and prepare as much as possible yourself. I have done the elimination diet for 3 weeks and it takes some resolve. Try to get to a core set of foods that you can tolerate and then reintroduce one food at a time and try that 2 or 3 times over a week.
You will feel better but it's a lot of trial and error and it will mean that you cut out a lot of unhealthy food in the process so not all bad. Good luck.
I love everything, but I’ve gone gluten-free and that has helped. Also don’t hammer the dairy daily, but have the odd day no problem. When first diagnosed laid off dairy to give tum chance to heal - it helped.
Can’t eat high carb/sugar/fat so even gluten-free apple crumble is off now, that is a trigger for heartburn.
Cereal bungs me up - only cornflakes seem to be ok as far as I’ve got and I’m not a fan of processed sugary cereals - I used to love porridge 😞 and muesli.
I love tomato’s, and I’m aware there are inflammatory effects though I’ve not noticed myself but I’m mindful. Apparently the inflammatory constituents are in seeds and flesh. Once again I do eat them, but not every day and in moderation. I mix it up because I want to balance my diet and not end up too restricted.
I’m always making a conscious note of what I eat and how I feel now though. Not the human dustbin I once was.

You sounds just like me, it's easy with the main culprits like dairy and nightshades, I tried gluten free and loads of veg but still had triggers... found this test really useful at pinning down the culprits and allowing me to add back in other innocent culls.
I also found that histamine is a sneaky one it gradually creeps up on you and then bam! It really messes you up if trying to do the elimination route, you maybe have low DAO enzyme which is needed to breakdown histamine in things like spinach, avocado, beans and meats/fish that isn't really fresh
I learnt that I can do gluten just not barley and spelt, some gluten free like amaranth and buckwheat are a no no, definitely no potato, tomato, peppers or avocado.... no beef... only pistachio and macadamia nuts... you get the gist. I triggered 100/160 to some degree...
Here's a link, I don't know if it gets you extra discount, don't feel obliged to use as you only need to test once and their other tests aren't as cheap as others.