Hi. I have posted before about my pituitary adenoma that wasn't responding to treatment and asked for a second opinion on that and my thyroid. The new endo tested everything including adrenal but I don't have those results yet as they went through the hospital. The endo thinks I have a different type of adenoma than I was told and he also said my TSH might be too low since I am not on any thyroid replacement since a partial thyroidectomy in 2004 and finally he tested my t3 as the previous endo hadn't. My bloods are available and I don't see him again until November 7 for these and the other results. Any opinion on thyroid function? My ferritin has gone up from 11 in May after supplementing with ferrous fumerate but it's moving slowly. Still feel like rubbish though!
Ferritin 15 (15-247)
TSH 0.86 (0.32-5.04)
T3 Free 4.65 (3.0-5.9)
T4 Free 11.7 (10.6-19.7)
TSH Receptor Ab <0.9 (<1.8)
IGF1 159 (57-196)
24 hour Creatinine 17 (5-16)