I have asked my daughter to join this extremely helpful site,but so far she hasn't, so I am going to ask for her...over the past year she has gained about two stone in weight.Whatever she does to try to lise it,nothing works.She was complaining of lots of symptoms,tiredness,bloating,food intolerances,brain fog,emotional to name a few.I suspected low B12,and persuaded her to get this checked out by her GP.The result was 208 (150-900).Her GP refused to give her injections,of course,so she has been supplementing with Jarrow B12. She then had private bloods done this April as follows:-
TSH 1.78 (0.27-4.20)
T4 17.33 (12-2)
T3 4.47 (3.1-6.8)
Folate 6.8 (3.1-19.9)
Ferritin 74 (10-210)
B12 208 (150-900)
D 55
Hb 124 (110-150)
T4 total 102.7 (64.5-142)
About a year ago her TSH was 2.78.I personally think she has Hashimotos like myself.We are both having gut tests at the moment with a naturopath.I have been taking NDT for 14 months now and feel much better than when I took Levo. I hate to see my daughter unwell and unhappy,but don't know what to do to help.Any suggestions gratefully received,thanks.