My latest results. Any advise so gratefully rec... - Thyroid UK

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My latest results. Any advise so gratefully received. Thank you. Done on 20th July.

Zuzka1 profile image
17 Replies

FSH 9.1 result

Pic ovulatoire 2.5-17

Menopause 27-133

Phase luteale 1.5-6

Phase folliculaire 3-8


LH 35.7 result

Po 9-75


PL 1-9

PF 3-7


Oestradiol 244 result

Po 38-649

M sans 10-28

M sous 10-144

Pl 21-312

Pf 21-251


Prolactire 131 result.

En activite genitale inf a 975


T.S?H. 2.181 result

(04.00 - 3.100)


The below was tested on 20th May

T3 3.7 (2.65-5.7)

TL libre 12.00 (9.0-19.0)

TSH 2.484 (0.400-3.100)

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17 Replies
greygoose profile image

Well, on the 20th May, you were very under-medicated! Did you say how much levo you were taking? Did she not increase your dose after this test? She should have done. And tested again six weeks later.

Your TSH is far too high for someone on thyroid hormone replacement, should be one or under. Your FT3 isn't even mid-range, and most people need it up the top of the range to feel well. I don't think you have a conversion problem, but you haven't got enough to convert!

Did your doctor test for antibodies - anticorps? It would be good to know if you have Hashi's, so when your see an endo, make sure he tests for that. And, there are no nutrient tests in that lot, so ask for those, too - vit D, etc.

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to greygoose

Hi. On 20th May I was on 62.5mg of levo. After those results she put me up to 75mg. Then I got palpitations so dropped to alternating each day.

What do you mean I don't have enough to convert? I don't understand sorry.

On May 20th they tested for ferrotine (iron I think) and my result was 21 and the range is 20 -204. I said the the Dr it's really low and she said its fine....

Do my results show to you that I'm ill and my symptoms make sense?

I'm so grateful for your help I can't actually explain.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

Oh, yes, they certainly do!

One very important lesson to learn is that doctors of all nationalities know nothing about nutrition, and they do not understand ranges. So, for them, 21 in a range of 20-204 is excellent! They would probably think that 19 was excellent, too! After all, it's only just under range, isn't it!

Whereas, in the really world, a ferritin of 21 in that range would be causing you all sorts of symptoms, and making you very, very tired! You need your ferritin (stored i

ron) to be at least mid-range - 102 in that range - if not higher. But, you will not get any joy from your stupid doctor - she is completely out of her depth, here - mention it to the endo, when you see him (and it would be better sooner, rather than later) and tell him that you think you should be having iron infusions - des infusion de fer. If you don't get any joy out of him, then you need to start taking ferrous fumerate and vit C. There is a very good one in France called Tardyferon, that you can buy OTC in the pharmacy.

As I said, your doctor is completely out of her depth with your hypo. And she's prescribing absolutely rediculous doses. However, given the level of your iron, it's perhaps as well. The palpitations would have been because your body could not cope with the T4 due to your low iron. You need to get that up before you can go any higher on the levo.

And, if your ferritin is that low, the others will probably be low, too. So, you need your vit D, vit B12 and folate tested soon, if you can. If your doctor won't do it, just ask in the lab where you have your blood taken, if they can do the tests if you pay yourself. They usually will.

What do I mean by 'enough to convert'? Well, you are taking levo, with is T4, which is a storage hormone. It has to be converted into T3, the active hormone, which is needed by all the cells in your body - and there are millions of them! Not everybody is very good at converting the T4 into T3, for various reasons. And it can be difficult to fix, so they need to take T3 (Cytomel) with their T4 (levo). You appear to be able to convert ok, as far as one can tell with such low levels. But, you're not on a high enough dose of T4, yet, to be able to convert to very much T3. But, we'll get there! lol

So, your next step is to get those other tests done, and get an appointment with an endo, post haste! :)

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to greygoose

Thank you! Ok I've just managed to get a appointment with the only Endo on the 30th of this month. I knew my iron was too low!! You think I should take supplements now or now just wait until I see Endo? I've written out all the bloods I want testing on Thursday. Thank you Grey goose. Your my hero 😃

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

Stop it! You're making me blush! I shall have to change my name to Super Goose! lol

If I were you, if your appointment is on the 30th, I'd wait for the supplementing. He might want to do his own labs, so you don't want to raise the ferritin now.

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to greygoose

Ok good plan. I think I need to try and chill for the next two weeks untill I see her. The only review she has is really bad so that's a worry 😬😬

Sorry to make you blush! But to be honest I've felt like I've been going nuts or imagining all of this and not able to explain it so the fact you and others can confirm to me I'm not a total fruit loop is the best thing that's happened in a long time!! I now after today have hope. 😊

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to Zuzka1

And Super Goise is catchy 😀

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

Yes, I rather like it. lol

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

Yes, take it easy and be kind to yourself. Try not to over-do it - just do the minimum you can to get by. No hikiing or mountains climbing, or jet skiing across the lake! Just sit and admire the magnificent view. :)

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to greygoose

That I can do. Thank you so much. I will be sure to let you know what happens on Thursday at the DR. Bon nite 😊

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

:) Bonne chance !

Zuzka1 profile image

Good morning Super Goose 😊

Look I've been thinking (which is not always a good thing! Lol) but the thought of feeling like this for the next two weeks is a bit horrific to be honest. As you know I see my DR tomorrow. I'm going to ask her for all the various blood tests to be done. Should I also ask her for some iron to take or something/anything to get me thro the next two weeks before I see the endo?

I am also going to ask the dr if she will call the endo for me to see if I can get a appointment sooner. Makes it sound more urgent if the dr calls ?

Basically I'm asking if you think taking some iron now will help me (I'm also aware I don't want to change things etc so the endo can see where I am at properly) or if you've any hints or tips on anything I can take to just get me thro untill the 30th. It feels a very very long way away.........

Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Mara

Zuzka1 profile image

Talk to me goose! ( haha!!) greygoose 😊

Sorry to hound you.....

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

No, you're not hounding me, but unless you click on the green reply button under one of my comments - or highlight my name as you have in your second post, there - I will not know that you have written to me! lol I wasn't ignoring you, just didn't know your message was there.

Taking iron pills, now, is not going to make you feel better any time soon. What you need are iron infusions. I doubt your GP can do that - or will be willing to do that - but, you can always ask.

These things take time. Lots of time to resolve. Just popping an iron pill is not like taking an aspirin, you won't feel any effect until it builds up is some weeks, or months, time. So, it's really not worth taking iron pills before you see the endo. What would make you feel much better much quicker, is asking your doctor for T3 - liothyronine, as mentioned above. Whether or not she will give them to you is another matter.

There are two possible scenarios. a), she has no idea what T3 is, and will refuse to prescribe them for that reason. b) she has no idea what T3 is, but will think oh, well, can't hurt, and prescribe them. Both have happened to me. In a third scenario, the endo knew what T3 was, and said 'well, it won't do you any good, but you can have it if you insist'! Three levels of ignorance! lol So, you can always take a chance and ask her for T3. She might, however, prefer you to wait until you see the endo, as she is so out of her depth. But, no harm in asking!

Apart from that, I really can't think what you can do except wait. This whole business needs massive amounts of patience. There are no short cuts. And, if you try to hurry the process, you will just find yourself back at square one. Sorry, but that's the way it is. :(

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to greygoose

Ok. Thank you. I'm going to ask for T3. Fingers crossed she says yes!!! Appreciate your time 🙃

Zuzka1 profile image
Zuzka1 in reply to Zuzka1

I also slightly worried the endo is not any good. What do I do then??

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Zuzka1

Cross that bridge when you come to it! :)

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