Overheating and profuse facial sweating. Years ... - Thyroid UK

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Overheating and profuse facial sweating. Years without solution

Tayhung profile image
15 Replies

Hi. Any advice welcome. Years of trying but NHS have not helped just lots of shoulder shrugging and annoying sad faces. Chemo at 38 left me fully in menopausal, almost overnight. Hideous flushing ever since. Endo and oncology will not consider and never have, any HRT. Endo on first meeting was alarmed at how low my oestrogen is and wondered how I managed to live but, after consult with professors in oncology there was no way they would prescribe due to hormone fed cancer 22 years ago. My low thyroid is now relatively stable on 100 Levo and 20mcg T3 plus suggested supplements but, I have not lost an ounce in weight. I am unable to to much activity as this causes massive over heating, very red face and head sweats that literally run down my face and drips on my cloths. This can be going up one flight of stairs. Fine if dressed for the gym but not if you are going to a meeting! Hoovering the lounge, and God help me if I Hoover the stairs. At least half an hour to recover. This has been going on for years. I hold down a full time professional role and continuously feel ashamed of how I must look to others. How can I look serious and engaged when I am more concerned with wiping my face and fanning myself like a crazy old lady. I get so hot it is impossible not to. I also worry about my general health. I cycle and walk a little but not enough to make much of a difference. Sorry this is long but had to explain? Thanks if you can help at all or suggest anyone that can help.x

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15 Replies
Rapunzel profile image

Tayhung I appreciate that this is scant help during the day but a Chiilow Pillow ( I know ! ) helped me through the 'pause at night.

A good primer ( Smashbox is a good one, also Estee Lauder's primers ) may help with the resultant shiny face. Having taken my professional high heels off just as my Hashi's had a final flare, can only say how much I admire you for attempting to forge on. Just the thought of getting gussied up for a twelve hour day makes me feel ill...

I hope that someone can come up with something which might help.

Tayhung profile image
Tayhung in reply to Rapunzel

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I am way past cool pillows Fans all year round windows open even in mid winter. I don't wear any primers or foundations. Not because I don't want to but because they are off by 9am . I can just about keep mascara on . I would love to get off the treadmill but now the pensions age has changed 7 more years to go!!!

greygoose profile image

Have you ever had your FT3 tested? Being 'stable' is all well and good, but somewhat meaningless. I imagine what you're saying is that your TSH is 'stable', but the TSH is irrelevant when you're on thyroid hormone replacement. And especially if you are taking T3, it is imperative to know what your T3 level is. But, doctors don't know that.

So, I would suggest that you invest in your future health by getting private labs done, so that you can see what your FT3 is. Especially if you can't lose weight, that suggests that your T3 is low. And, on that subject, you're not doing yourself any favours going to the gym and cycling if your T3 is low. Exercise uses up T3 and excessive exercise uses up T3 excessively! And you cannot easily replace it like someone with an active gland can. Just walking or swimming or yoga until your FT3 is optimal. And, that's the word you should be aiming for - optimal, not stable.

So, what are the recommended supplements, and who recommended them? Have you been tested for your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin? If so, what were the results, and what are you taking? It's very important to take what you need, and not what some list says are 'recommended' supplements. And it's important to know your blood test results to make sure you're taking enough. :)

Tayhung profile image
Tayhung in reply to greygoose

My Endo said she can do no more and to go back in a year. When I first met her she was very enthusiastic I got my T3 from her so not all bad but, with the oestrogen situation and her hands being tied she has given up a bit. I improved a lot when I got my T3 so now have to keep her on side as the gps could stop it at the drop of a hat. I avoid docs and tests. ☹️ When I suggested that further testing to achieve optimal results I was told "not to push her. I was lucky to get where I had." Warning me re how expensive t3 is and that it could be taken away! I did test B12 etc. All were low especially d3. I have since brought all to optimum and now maintain. Ferritin was high but doc was not worried? I am thinking of upping my t3 a little ? Will have to get my own supply. What do you think?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Tayhung

Well, it's a little difficult to think anything. You haven't told me what you're taking, nor how much. And, I presume, you are saying that you haven't had your FT3 tested. So, I think you should get that tested privately before you do anything.

As to the ferritin being high, how high? Did you have any other inflammation markers? It's all a bit groping in the dark here, without any test results.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Tayhung

T3 can be bought online and, in comparison to the price the NHS is charged for T3, it is quite cheap. If this interests you, write a new post and ask for suppliers. Don't just do a search and hope for the best, because the main group buying T3 is body builders. They get charged a high price and are often supplied with fake medicines. You need to know the trustworthy sites to buy it.

Making yourself independent of doctors in terms of thyroid meds is really very liberating.

shaws profile image

I am sorry at your distress and maybe you could try self-medicating, safely.

First I would suggest you get a full ThyroidFunction blood test as TSH and T4 aren't sufficient.

TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and antibodies.

The test should be as early as possible and don't eat before it although you can drink water and also don't take any thyroid hormones for around 24 hours approx before the blood test.

At the same time if you wish you can get tested B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.

Sweating etc is usually due to too much thyroid hormones but may not be in your case. I have read that levothyroxine causes weight gain in some people although your dose of T3 might be helpful to you.

Before the blood tests and levo were introduced we were given natural dessicated thyroid hormones and one doctor who prescribed these stated that nowadays we are given doses which are too low (to keep the TSH in range) and that we need doses, usually, around 200 to 400mcg.

If you cannot get your GP to do the blood tests TUK have recommended labs and they get a small discount and you do so as well if you quote the Code Number.

Once you have the results, with the ranges. Ranges are important as labs differ. Post them on a new question for comments and you will, hopefully, learn to recover your health.

Tayhung profile image
Tayhung in reply to shaws

Thanks for your reply. I am thinking of upping T3?

I can't afford private testing and scared of going to docs as they may disagree with Endo and stop what I have. And it's not that I haven't tried to sort this out before. As I say at least 20 years. When I was younger it was put down to side effects of cancer treatment and now I am older its "just my age" anyone over 50 know that dismissive tone/ look. I think it will need to be an holistic treatment as so far NHS have nothing

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Tayhung

I have just come back online so I'm going to read your post more carefully before I respond. It is complicated due to your hormonal problems in the past (not connected to thyroid gland). I am not medically qualified by the way so whatever I say isn't to be taken as Professional advice :)

I do feel sympathy when people are struggling on their own.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to shaws

As you have been on thyroid hormones for quite a long time, you are still having clinical symptoms. If you were on an optimum of dose you would be feeling well with relief of symptoms. I can understand you wishing to up your dose of T3, and I'd give it a chance but I also notice that you have a problem with your weight and I posted the following last week which will interest you. Strange, isn't it, that doctors/endos appear entirely unaware of this phenomenon!


(Just to confirm I'm not medically qualified but just have my own experience to go by, being an undiagnosed and untreated hypothyroid patient and I am now well thanks to Thyroiduk.org.uk).

Ruthi profile image

I'm kind of assuming this was going on before your thyroid troubles started? It certainly won't help not to have your levels right, I agree.

Have you read up on the literature about hormone fed cancer? - is there any research into long term hormone suppression, I wonder? Having seen how unthinking endos are, I do wonder about docs in general! After 22 years you would wonder if you might not be allowed a little help?

And have you tried the usual menopause remedies? Isoflavones, black cohosh, red clover, evening primrose and starflower oils?

I would also look at so-called natural progesterone cream. I have a friend who used it very successfully after her surgery induced menopause - and she was 39 when she had the op.

Tayhung profile image
Tayhung in reply to Ruthi

Hi thanks for your reply. Yes I have done some research mostly conflicting reports. In America the help this situation by treating women with testosterone. But my Endo was not familiar though she had heard of it. End of discussion. I have not found anyone accessible for this. I did use progesterone cream but I get so hot it slid off and did not seem to help. Docs were not happy that I was using it!

It is frustrating that a group of men who don't know me, have never met me . Look at my 20 year old notes and dismiss any hormone treatment other than lack of eostrogen. I am 59 now and hoped that once what would have been post menopause naturally the fishing would stop. It has lessens from every 15 mins to 2or three times an hour, as long as I don't do anything considered exersise - like walking. It is odd as most with hypo are cold but not me. Roasting. And recent weather has made it difficult to cope!

humanbean profile image

I have the same problems you mention with sweating excessively, particularly from the head, and I've had those problems since I hit puberty.

I'm convinced that the problem was/is caused by abnormal cortisol levels. I still have problems but they are less bad than they used to be, and I think anything which can reduce stress to the body helps with cortisol levels. I would suspect specifically high cortisol, but low and high cortisol share many symptoms, so testing is essential.

Cortisol can be tested with saliva sampling at four points during the day. Genova Diagnostics UK do an adrenal stress profile using saliva samples. You can get more info from here :


Read the How to Order and the How to Get Your Results section. Genova used to do things the easy way, but now they do things the hard way, and sometimes getting results can be very, very slow.


Tayhung profile image
Tayhung in reply to humanbean

Hi I had cortisol testing. 24 hour urine etc. All normal apparently but that could be anything if thyroid tests are anything to go by. I was "border line" for years, walking around like a zombie. Etc etc only once I educated myself did I realise my border line results were terrible and should have been treated. Suppose I am wishing for a magic pill. Thanks for your reply .

Rebec profile image

I started to sweat a lot on my face after I managed to stop sweating under my armpits! I imagine that the body was trying to cool itself down and because I closed the pores under my armpits, the perspiration found a new outlet!

Also, I'm sure that stressing about the sweat brings more sweat on your face. Why don't you do what I used to when I taught some adults in a particularly hot lecture room: I had a fan blowing on me! You can tell the people in the meeting room that you feel particularly hot and the rest will be history! You'll be more relaxed and less perspiration will be accumulating on your face too.

I've been thinking about another trial: why don't you try to close a bit the pores on your face before you do some strenuous housework by passing some ice cubes (not directly touching your skin) over your face and see what happens.

Not what you're looking for?

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