So, after many years of battling the GP about my thyroid the final straw came recently when I was told I would need to reduce my levothyroxine to 100mcg from 125mcg as my readings were way too high and I was at risk of osteoarthritis. I explained the reason I wanted the test was because my symptoms were getting worse. Desperate tiredness, weight gain and general aching in my muscles along with being cold. I was told that there was nothing they could do! To say I'm desperate is an understatement. I have gradually gained weight since I was diagnosed some years ago and now weigh 3 stone heavier than my pre thyroid weight. I have been to a nutritionist who has seen all my diet sheets and is concerned that my thyroid is being under treated. I am now struggling to even work so any help would be appreciated.
I requested a copy of all my bloods in the hope that someone out there can shed some light on my results. I would be grateful for any response that can help. I will just copy what is printed in the hope it makes some sense.
SERUM T4 LEVEL XaERr 14pmol/L (9.0-20.0)
SERUM TSH LEVEL XaELV <0.01mU/L (0.35-4.94)
25-hydroxyvitamin D3 level XaXHs 22.6nmol/L
25-hydroxyvitamin D2 level 11.5nmol/L
Combined total D2 and D3 level 34.1nmol/L (50.0-220.0)
I am currently taking an over the counter magnesium, vitamin D, and a multi B supplement. I am considering seeing Dr Bernard Willis so if you have been to see him and have improved I would love to hear from you.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.